This is the first post I've made ALL YEAR! (And, sadly, that's halfway to being literal)

Jan 09, 2009 13:50

*blows dust and cobwebs off of poor, abandoned journal*

Hi, remember me?

I feel like I should cue typewritten subtitles, like in the movies: "5 or 6 Months Later"

Summary of events:

~ My family was finally able to move back into the house THREE FULL MONTHS after having to leave at the drop of a hat. Momma's health remains excellent with no return problems, praise the Lord. We're incrementally working on finishing the remainder of renovations as time/money/manpower allows.

~ Had a lovely Thanksgiving (though not as awesome as last year. Best. Holiday. Ever.) and Christmas (in which I got very creative and crafty and made/invented presents for almost everyone).

~ Massive computer/email/internet connection troubles and a desire to focus on important issues in real life without risking the temptation of the massive black hole of procrastination enabling that is LiveJournal contributed to my absence.

Current Family Status:

Older-Older Brother (" Nic") is living in Ardmore, Oklahoma for the month, completing his pediatrics rotation. (Incidentally, he has packed on a lot of muscle mass over the last year. Was changing his scrub top while doing laundry the other day and ,dude! my baby brother is packing some SERIOUS guns … and a six-pack!! We’re talking just about Jared Padalecki territory, here.)

(No. Really.)

(They’re about the same height, too.)

Older-Younger Sister ("Esther") is completely recovered from all the complications involved in her surgery last spring and between work, studies, friends, activities, skating, etc, is living the 24-7 on-the-go lifestyle she craves. She will be heading to Sierra Leone, Africa in March with a group of women to help mentor, train, and counsel teen girls who will have to support themselves after getting to old to remain in the orphanage there.

Younger-Younger Sister ("Zuzu") has began teaching “enrichment” classes several times a week (ages 3-6, and 7-12) and is still obsessed with dance in all forms, especially ballet. Even though she’s only been on point since March (and missed a few months of classes due to our family/house/health issues) she was given a major part in the studio’s holiday performance and has even been asked by the director/teachers to choreograph a few dances. She is currently learning the Esmerelda variation.

Younger-Younger Brother ("Jeremy") is as wonderful as always. Also? NEARLY AS TALL AS ME and growing like it’s his job!! Labor Day weekend he measured at 5’3. Thanksgiving he was almost 5’6” and New Year’s Eve had him pushing 5’8” - by the time I post this, he’ll probably be six foot! (Plus? He won’t even be 14 until June, which is when his dad and brother STARTED their growth spurts. And neither of them was anywhere near his height when they began. I’m thinking 6’6” is a definite possibility.)

Me? I’m doing incredibly well. This summer I began seeing a counselor to help address a lot of the struggles I’ve been having, my depression, etc. She’s wonderful and has been so helpful. I’ve even begun writing again! Also, I’m fully back on the wagon/in the saddle/(insert cliché here) with actively pursuing my weight loss, (just like I was avoiding online distractions, I was avoiding getting too focused on the weight loss issue until I had dealt with some of the underlying things in my life). I’m tracking on SparkPeople again, exercising, etc. This was my first week back with both cardio and strength training, and, boy, am I sore!

So, what have I missed 'round here?

my life, my journey, day in the life, updates, my family

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