How can August be half over already?

Aug 15, 2008 14:53


Real life = ... I cannot find a single word or phrase to adequately capture what this past few weeks/months has been like.

Think of those >>>>>WHOOOOOOSH! blurs that the Road Runner used to make on the old cartoons. No time to identify what you were hearing or seeing just Doppler Effect speed noises and a facefull of wind left in his wake.

THAT's kinda what my Real Life has been like.

But in a good way.


* * * *

One silver lining on that "mostly" - realized recently that my depression downward spirals (which, though more and more infrequent, still exist) are apparently far more linked to hormones than I originally thought. Going to start tracking them related to TOM and see.

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The AC guys started work yesterday! They should be entirely done by middle of next week meaning MY FAMILY CAN ALL COME HOME FINALLY!!!!!!

(It is more than TWO MONTHS today. Enough is enough.)

* * * *

Momma is still feeling great. Not only are all the problems and chronic fatigue gone, but she says in some ways she feels even better than she has for a number of years. (Certain minor allergic reactions/coughing/sleep issues seem to have cleared up too.)

* * * *

Our non-profit's second annual women's retreat begins four weeks from today - and we already have 35 people registered!

That may not seem like much, but realize that last year we only had about 45 total and the majority of those registered in the last week or two.

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Also, two of my long-long-LONG-term friends who live out-of-state/out-of-town and we only get to see about once a year will be coming! And maybe the third sister too!

I'm so excited! We haven't all been roomies together since ... gosh. 1996?

And that was actually only the older two sisters and me. For all four of us at once ... Wow. I don't even know.

* * * *

Somewhat tarnished lining: After three solid weeks of exercising 45+ minutes daily last month, I am now on a similar streak of NOT exercising at all.

Granted I've been incredibly busy, and very active with cleaning/packing and moving boxes/furniture/etc, but still.

One of you give me a friendly shove towards the treadmill, okay?

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What I Learned Today:

(It was actually last night, but whatever)

You know the little plastic "arm" inside your toilet tank that lifts up when you push down the handle and causes the flush?

That is called the "flapper".

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Watermelon is finally in season, for which let us all give thanks.

It took forever this year for our local grocery stores to get large, tasty, ripe juicy watermelons.

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I currently have two in the fridges.

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Well, one and a half.

* * * *

In fact, I think I hear it calling my name right now. Time for a afternoon snack!

real life, day in the life, updates, my family, health issues, part of my journey

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