I'm only 75 years late to the party

Jul 31, 2008 05:22

Whew! Real life is insane. That is all I am going to say on that for now.

After the last week or so, I realized that I needed to make plans for something entertaining, or I was likely to just continue moving from one project to the next and just filling time in between "need-to-dos". And I didn't want to keep that up. Therein lies madness and burnout.

Since Wednesday is 2-for-1 rental night at the local video store, I headed over there last night to see what I could find.

I wasn’t sure if I was in the mood for a classic, a comedy, a drama, a musical, a romance. I did know I wanted to see something I’d never seen before.

I wound up hitting a very happy medium with The Thin Man.


I loved it!

Watching it was like the first time I saw Casablanca - it felt like it was an old well-loved favorite already.

Had a feeling it would be my cup of tea. Let me explain why.

Here are some of the things that I love and have always been fascinated/entertained by:

~ Black-and-white movies

~ ‘30s fashions

~ Antique slang (“swell dames” and “smashing ideas” and “mooks” who get sent to “stir” after “taking a poke” at somebody)

~ Mysteries - more than that, good old-fashioned detective stories where the final scene takes place with all the suspects gathered in the parlor or the dining car as the sleuth breaks down whodunit.

~ Men (and women!) wearing hats and overcoats

~ Witty repartee

~ Noir

~ Stories that hint at a long and colorful backstory

~ Atmosphere and character lifestyle - again with the old-fashioned detective stories (but a little bit of Austen love there, too) - you know the ones where people are always holding garden parties/dinner parties, have gobs of time for just talking and gossiping and bantering about and no one ever seems to work for a living?

~ Characters that act in an unexpected manner as a matter of course

~ Further expounding on that, established relationships that do NOT get tested by the quirks of the plot as so often happens, because the people involve trust each and, see above

~ It’s even better if those closely bonded characters (be the relationship romantic, fraternal, familial, platonic) tend to communicate non-verbally almost as much as verbally

~ Detective/Hero with friendly ties to the underworld, sometimes to the point of putting his interactions with the local officers of the law on rocky ground because of it

~ Characters with hidden depths/talents

~ Especially when, although on the surface they may at first seem flighty/shallow/helpless/insipid they are in fact incredibly capable and even downright awesome. (Geeze, there’s a whole LIST of them here - Starting with Sir Percy Blakeney and Lord Peter Whimsey)

(By the way, even if you know nothing of the Thin Man series - can you see from this list part of why I loved Veronica Mars SO much?)

This movie had all of that ... in SPADES.

And I was in love from way early on.

True, the main characters are basically a pair of high-functioning alcoholics

(According to this movie a liberal application of liquor - either straight or in one or more mixed drinks - is good for: celebrations, conversation topics, marital bonding, hangover cure, sleep aid, smelling salts, and more!)

But that is in a way part of the general atmosphere - the ravishing costumes (everyone in dressing gowns and robes! All that satin and fur trim - those SLEEVES! And then the daytime gear - with the fitted skirts and smart little plaids.)

The charming furniture (I greatly covet Dorothy’s bedset [those polka dots!] - and that darling little vanity table in the Charles’ kitchen)

The quaint language (“Send me up a flock of sandwiches”) and metaphors (“You’re peddling your fish to the wrong market”)

Plus, the dialogue is simply delightful:

(Commenting on the news reports the morning after Nick was grazed by a bullet.)
Nick: “I’m a hero. I got shot twice in the Times.”
Nora: “I read where you were shot five times in the tabloids.”
Nick: “It’s not true. He didn’t come anywhere near my tabloids.”

Later, at the penultimate dinner party scene:
Nick: “The murderer is right here in this room. Sitting at this very table. You may serve the fish.”

It’s all in the delivery.

(And by the way, gotta say, everything you've heard about William Powell and Myrna Loy making Nick and Nora one of the most fascinating classic film couples is true. Their chemistry is amazing.

I totally need me some "Nick & Nora - OTP" icons!)

I had read the novel many years ago (when I was first going through my Dashiel Hammett /Raymond Chandler stage) and enjoyed it, but somehow never got ‘round to seeing the film.

I’m so glad I finally did!

And the very BEST part?

There’s FIVE more movies after this!

Tonight or tomorrow, I’ve got an appointment with After the Thin Man and a plate of Chinese.

*happy sigh*

fangirl-y, real life, movies, less-than-three

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