Update on Health and House Issues

Jul 02, 2008 22:15

Update on what's been going on

My mom met with the pulmonologist today. (He had some cancellations, and so we were able to move up the appointment instead of waiting another two and a half weeks)

He did a lot of different tests and said that he sees ABSOLUTELY NO SIGN of any kind of permanent damage or indication of cancer or something truly serious! Praise God!

He did run a blood test to check for autoimmune problems, 'cause he said one of the other possibilities is that it's some sort of lupus. But he doesn't think so.

So, once he gets the results back, if it turns out that it is merely this lung condition like it seems, then she'll go on prednisone for ... a month.

That's it!

That's all it's probably gonna take to treat it and correct the problem!!

* * * * *

The house front also had some progress today. The structural engineer came out today to do an assessment and evaluation.

There does need to be several pier and beams put in to correct the settling up by the bedrooms, and the sump pump and french drains in the front yard need to basically be re-piped to fix the drainage problems.

But he said that we could go ahead and start with cleaning out and filling up the floor vents and running new AC ducts in through the ceiling without having to wait for the foundation work to be done first.

Both the engineer and the medical specialist didn't think there would be any more problems after filling in the vents. So we most likely won't need to have the air quality tested or sell the house or any of the more extensive things we were afraid of.

* * * * *

So that's the news from over here.

Also, if I may, a small brag report:

Today I cleaned the entire house, including vacuuming (which I despise), both bathrooms (even using drain cleaner on the clogged tub!), changing beds, organizing several desks and closets, mopping, counters, stovetop, fish tank, garage (swept it too!), dishes, laundry, and even straightened the attic!

PLUS, after the engineer left and I ate a late lunch and took a nap (only 4 hours of sleep last night) ... I then got up and exercised for nearly an hour!

AND, this is the seventh day in a row that I have gotten in at least 40 minutes of cardio activity!


good day, real life, day in the life, exercise, woo! hoo!, part of my journey, busy, family, health issues

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