So Many ________ , So Little Time ...

Jun 26, 2008 11:45

This quote helps to summarize a little of why I've been weaning myself off of the online environment over the last year or two (or at least, attempting it).

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see."
~ John Burroughs, essayist and naturalist

It is impossible to do Everything I Want To Do.

I know this. It's basically impossible to even do everything simply in one area alone. (Especially if that area is online-related, because we all know what a time-trap lj and YouTube and TWoP and Wikipedia and the like can be.)

So, it follows that one must decide how and where to spend the time we do have. Either so you can do as much of Everything as possible, or so you can achieve a degree of proficiency in certain areas, or whatever.

Time passes.

It will be spent. There's nothing you can do about that. But it is up to you how and where - and IF - you choose to invest it.

This is not to say that I view y'all as some kind of debt. Not at all. That quote could continue to include "....all the posts I want to read, all the comments I want to make..."

But right now I'm choosing to work on those other parts. The thoughts, the books, the walks, the LIFE.

It's like the analogy of the rocks in the jar. You guys know that one, right?

So what's something of your Everything you've been neglecting? Maybe you can find a way to fit it in this week.

goals, good day, real life, pondering, quotes, busy, thinky-ness, deep thoughts

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