13 x 23, Wherein Cris Sighs Wearily

May 18, 2018 21:40

I waited a day before I wrote this, as not to be hella bitter. It helped a lot that I went into the finale with great pragmatism and adjusted expectations, and upon watching it a second time, I'm marginally less annoyed with the overall ridiculousness and diminished quality of the storytelling. I feel like I have to note this from the get-go, so y' ( Read more... )

kicking hornets' nests, review, spn, ummm..., spn meta, you only hurt the one you love...

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Comments 19

jennytork May 19 2018, 03:11:12 UTC
I hear you.



quickreaver May 19 2018, 03:13:49 UTC
*hug with a side of fistbumps and high-fives*


amberdreams May 19 2018, 08:28:37 UTC
That odd, final tagged-on scene felt to me like they thought we might not have realised Michael had taken over. Which is actually quite insulting to us, the audience. Much as I might like to see Jensen in some new threads, striding down the street, all that did was make me wonder ( ... )


quickreaver May 19 2018, 18:47:01 UTC
All of the above!

I have no clue why they tacked on that scene, except that they thought it would be "cool". COOL was the angels plummeting from Heaven! That last scene was a poorly done and self-indulgent bit of "Whut?" I think it was just to let Jensen doll up and look pretty. It had ZERO to do with next season, in truth. It served no purpose, and they made it silly with the eyes and the freezeframe. Like I said: TASTE, y'all. Grow some.


amypond45 May 19 2018, 10:21:02 UTC
Oooooh! Michael!Dean killing Mary! What a great plot twist! Think of how horrible for Dean that would be. All the angst! But of course you’re right, something like Gadreel-Sam killing Kevin can never happen with the righteous man (seriously, what are they afraid of? We’d still love him!) but it’s a crying shame, that’s all. Jensen can play terrifying and creepy (Skin) and I will always wish they had gone darker with the whole demon!Dean storyline. Take some risks, show!


quickreaver May 19 2018, 18:47:48 UTC
Yep yep! We'll need to leave it up to fandom to do all that heavy lifting!


harrigan May 19 2018, 11:29:09 UTC
So much yes ( ... )


quickreaver May 19 2018, 18:56:33 UTC
I relate to all of this, obviously. <3

I really wonder how they will handle Sam being more of our POV character for a change...

I have such worries about this. The show struggles to do anything with him that isn't The Straight Man. Dare I have hope? Berens gets Sam's gravitas, and Glynn indulges in his lighter, nerdboy side, but neither do it with much consistency. I can only pray this gives the show an opportunity to dig into Sam, instead of simply using Sam to host all the other characters' stories.


lennelle May 19 2018, 13:06:24 UTC
I'm in the same boat. Any excitement I used to have for this show is gone, it feels so cold and emotionless to me, and I'm tired of the recycled story lines. Have we not been here before with Gadreel!Sam and Lucifer!Sam? We've seen one of the brothers under the control of an angel, and we've seen them conquer over said angel. Why are we seeing this all again ( ... )


quickreaver May 19 2018, 19:02:18 UTC
Why are we seeing this all again?

Because Dabb isn't big on originality. He pilfers from all over the place. (Is anything ever really original, though? Good question.) This is not to say it won't be a treat to watch Jensen rock it! I just have to wonder what they're gonna do to make it fresh.

...but the emotional weight and satisfaction was lost by not having Sam be the one to do it. YEP. This was one of those things that should've simply been done the way it was supposed to have been done. "Give 'em what they want in a way they won't expect it" only works when you give them something BETTER. This wasn't that.

Alex did a grand job! He can stay. ;)

Yours in Sammy solidarity,


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