13 x 23, Wherein Cris Sighs Wearily

May 18, 2018 21:40

I waited a day before I wrote this, as not to be hella bitter. It helped a lot that I went into the finale with great pragmatism and adjusted expectations, and upon watching it a second time, I'm marginally less annoyed with the overall ridiculousness and diminished quality of the storytelling. I feel like I have to note this from the get-go, so y' ( Read more... )

kicking hornets' nests, review, spn, ummm..., spn meta, you only hurt the one you love...

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harrigan May 19 2018, 11:29:09 UTC
So much yes.

I've watched it only once so far, but I will again soon. Like you, I had set my expectations realistically, which helped. Jack continues to be such a pleasant surprise--I enjoyed all his scenes and he is welcome next year. But I'm not sure what they're planning to do with all those people! (I love Charlie, but I rather suspect they'll mostly all fade into the hunter network and disappear.) But what of Mary? ... And now we're back to the brothers being separated and on opposite sides. Again. I really wonder how they will handle Sam being more of our POV character for a change...

As for the episode itself, I was satisfied with most of it until the end. Of course, Sam should have been the one to kill Lucifer. And that aerial scene was seriously something a high school drama club might pull off. It was so silly it was hard to take seriously.

I am glad Jensen gets to play someone besides Dean next season - Michael seems to be a more controlled, smug villain than demon!Dean or MOC Dean. He should have fun with that. So the very last scene of him was fine with me.

I will watch SPN till the end and cherish the moments and scenes worth relishing. But I've gradually stopped actually looking forward to it, and that hasn't changed with this episode and plans for next season.


quickreaver May 19 2018, 18:56:33 UTC
I relate to all of this, obviously. <3

I really wonder how they will handle Sam being more of our POV character for a change...

I have such worries about this. The show struggles to do anything with him that isn't The Straight Man. Dare I have hope? Berens gets Sam's gravitas, and Glynn indulges in his lighter, nerdboy side, but neither do it with much consistency. I can only pray this gives the show an opportunity to dig into Sam, instead of simply using Sam to host all the other characters' stories.


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