13 x 23, Wherein Cris Sighs Wearily

May 18, 2018 21:40

I waited a day before I wrote this, as not to be hella bitter. It helped a lot that I went into the finale with great pragmatism and adjusted expectations, and upon watching it a second time, I'm marginally less annoyed with the overall ridiculousness and diminished quality of the storytelling. I feel like I have to note this from the get-go, so y' ( Read more... )

kicking hornets' nests, review, spn, ummm..., spn meta, you only hurt the one you love...

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lennelle May 19 2018, 13:06:24 UTC
I'm in the same boat. Any excitement I used to have for this show is gone, it feels so cold and emotionless to me, and I'm tired of the recycled story lines. Have we not been here before with Gadreel!Sam and Lucifer!Sam? We've seen one of the brothers under the control of an angel, and we've seen them conquer over said angel. Why are we seeing this all again?

Dean killing Lucifer... sigh. I wanted Lucifer dead more than anything but the emotional weight and satisfaction was lost by not having Sam be the one to do it. Lucifer ruined Sam's life before he was even born, Sam lost his mother, his girlfriend, everything, for Lucifer's cause, not to mention those centuries in the cage. Sam deserved to do it, and I'll never forgive them for giving that to Dean. And I thought I'd be pleased Lucifer is gone, but I think this means anything to do with Sam's trauma is done with, the writers won't ever bring it up again.

I'm worried next season will be very Dean-centric, like every season has been for the past few years. Is it too much to ask for Sam to have an interesting story?

Positives: Jack told Sam he loves him and I'm very happy about that, also Jack survived for another season, and Sam looked beautiful as always. Kudos to the actors, particularly Alex Calvert, for the amazing performances.

Like you said, not much excitement for next season. At this point I'm only sticking around for Sam and the few great episodes we're lucky enough to get these days.


quickreaver May 19 2018, 19:02:18 UTC
Why are we seeing this all again?

Because Dabb isn't big on originality. He pilfers from all over the place. (Is anything ever really original, though? Good question.) This is not to say it won't be a treat to watch Jensen rock it! I just have to wonder what they're gonna do to make it fresh.

...but the emotional weight and satisfaction was lost by not having Sam be the one to do it. YEP. This was one of those things that should've simply been done the way it was supposed to have been done. "Give 'em what they want in a way they won't expect it" only works when you give them something BETTER. This wasn't that.

Alex did a grand job! He can stay. ;)

Yours in Sammy solidarity,


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