13 x 23, Wherein Cris Sighs Wearily

May 18, 2018 21:40

I waited a day before I wrote this, as not to be hella bitter. It helped a lot that I went into the finale with great pragmatism and adjusted expectations, and upon watching it a second time, I'm marginally less annoyed with the overall ridiculousness and diminished quality of the storytelling. I feel like I have to note this from the get-go, so y' ( Read more... )

kicking hornets' nests, review, spn, ummm..., spn meta, you only hurt the one you love...

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amberdreams May 19 2018, 08:28:37 UTC
That odd, final tagged-on scene felt to me like they thought we might not have realised Michael had taken over. Which is actually quite insulting to us, the audience. Much as I might like to see Jensen in some new threads, striding down the street, all that did was make me wonder:
- why was he dressed like someone from Peaky Blinders who'd been to a Saville Row outfitters?
- why was he walking down a city street looking vaguely smug instead of starting his evil plan to smite everyone?
- had he, in fact, time travelled into the past and that's why he was dressed so strangely?
- how was this little scene supposed to set up next season?

While I was watching the episode (I've only watched it once) I did feel caught up in the tension, though I fecking knew this 'new character' Jensen had said he'd be playing HAD to be Michael. I might have been a bit more excited had I not heard that particular spoiler... I don't know. But anyhow, I was kind of enjoying most of the drama - I loved Dean's talk with jack, I loved Jack, I thought the scenes with Lucifer and Jack worked, I loved that Sam went with Jack and that Sam's influence 'saved' him. I was kind of ok with Dean killing Lucifer, though like you, i'd have preferred it to have been Sam. And they could have easily made it Sam in the church with the archangel blade, if they hadn't done that ridiculous and embarrassing aerial battle.

So now I'm more excited to see what the idea of Michael!Dean sparks in fandom than I am with seeing what Dabb and co do with it next season.


quickreaver May 19 2018, 18:47:01 UTC
All of the above!

I have no clue why they tacked on that scene, except that they thought it would be "cool". COOL was the angels plummeting from Heaven! That last scene was a poorly done and self-indulgent bit of "Whut?" I think it was just to let Jensen doll up and look pretty. It had ZERO to do with next season, in truth. It served no purpose, and they made it silly with the eyes and the freezeframe. Like I said: TASTE, y'all. Grow some.


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