[infinite] the wavefunction collapse

Oct 01, 2011 21:46

Title: the wavefunction collapse
Rating: pg-13
Word count: 3270
Summary: There are many ways that Hoya and Dongwoo could have had their happy ending.

This is the end of the story. )

l: medium, p:hoya/dongwoo, r: pg13

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Comments 41

reifica October 2 2011, 03:12:30 UTC

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

anyway i fucking love that margaret atwood story (atwood in general) and THIS STORY IS A BILLION DIFFERENT KINDS OF LOVELY. your writing always manages to be simultaneously crisp and very very intimate. your dongwoo is so perfect I LOVE (YOUR) DONGWOO (although your dongwoo is always so pathetic WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT ME THAT I LIKE HIM SO MUCH LIKE THIS? WORST STAN) AND omg HOYA ;_______; my heart broke for him in sections A through J, god. i think he's a really difficult character to suss out -- he has such a stoic showface -- but your characterisation of him, your various futures for him, are all so believable.

as always you write the ~supporting characters SO WELL alcoholic gambler sungyeol makes so much sense. HEH HEH THE NINJA DONGGYU. relentless leader sunggyu!!!! ALSO SECTIONS D, E, G, K ARE RAINBOW-VOMIT-INDUCINGLY GOOPY please write all the fluff, all the time

favourite bits

Hoya remembers that dreams are fictional and accidentally ( ... )


quarticpolynomi October 2 2011, 10:27:54 UTC
initially i wondered where all your text-based representations of faces had gone. i'd assumed that you'd finally located your wits; i realize that last time you mentioned that you might be hard-pressed to find them lying around these days.

but, no worries, now i see that you've merely moved from expressing appreciation in moving images to more static ones. you have not suddenly become more coherent. all remains right with the world. furthermore, your truly touching descriptions of the large percentage of this fic which consists of "goopy grossness" is slightly disconcerting; your beta notes didn't touch on the issue of the this fic possibly suddenly developing liquidity.

but i'll forgive the slight, this time, because my current state of extreme intoxication has prevented me from being more coherent. also, not everyone can balance a serious discussion of phase changes with fanfiction. i understand.


bloodyrose2442 October 2 2011, 07:23:34 UTC

You wrote Yadong!? My life is now officially complete~


quarticpolynomi October 2 2011, 10:28:26 UTC
thank you very much. it was at reifica's insistence.


bloodyrose2442 October 2 2011, 17:57:33 UTC
reifica-ssi thank you so so much for making/helping her write this~ *awkwardly hugs you*

You usually write amazingly well dear but lately since you've been listening to reifica-ssi God bless you have been hitting all of my fave scenarios and couples. It seems both of us have similar tastes or sth~

Now back to this particular story- as always you were just genius. In every sense of that world- you just (this is gonna sound lame so prepare yourself) sound so intelligent- whether it comes to answering comment or writing because your stories hold so many different meanings and I feel like there are 10 different things you want to tell us with just one sentence. Here the one thing that really impressed me was the structure- the whole situation A, B, C and etc. And the ending to every segment which were just- I don't have words to describe what exactly they made me think- they were simple and there was no beating around the bush- just straight-forward words that seemed to hit me in this this strange way.

Eventually, they all die. This is the end ( ... )


quarticpolynomi October 2 2011, 20:20:34 UTC
reifica does seem to ship anything and everything, though i do believe that she doesn't ship sungjong with anyone. regardless, sometimes i wonder if she has standards. more often, i wonder if she truly possesses neural processing powers.

i am very pleased that you enjoyed my execution. i realize this is pedantic, but i do not want to take credit for the structure and the idea--those belong solely to margaret atwood, though i'll admit to perverting the metatextual aspect of her narrative to suit hoya and dongwoo's story(/ies). i very deliberately pick the words i use, whether it's in my stories or my comments, and it is heartening to hear that you appreciate it.

furthermore, your insights were correct; an ending is an ending. life can be simplified down to the very basics: he was born, he went to school, he got married, he grew old, he died. or some variant thereof. the beginning and the end is always the same--it's the middle that's the interesting bit. that's where storytelling comes into play, and that's why i take so much ( ... )


theblobmaster October 2 2011, 08:15:08 UTC
This was amazing !


quarticpolynomi October 2 2011, 10:28:57 UTC
thank you very much.


(The comment has been removed)

quarticpolynomi October 2 2011, 10:36:38 UTC
thank you very much. i must stress that the idea and the form of this story was cribbed almost entire from margaret atwood, but i am very pleased that you enjoyed my execution.

i am quite sure you wouldn't want to think like me. a majority of my thoughts are fixated upon attempting to ensure that i can find the time to write fanfiction replete with sexual innuendos about south korean idols. the rest of my brain is often captivated by the minutiae of the universe. it's truly one of the duller sorts of existences. i just make it seem very interesting by mimicking a robot in my spare time.

we all have our hobbies. but i appreciate the compliment; i am sure your brain is a very fun place to be, do give yourself more credit.


revivifythepast October 2 2011, 13:27:47 UTC

and especially a yadong fic. your plots never fail to amaze me. and besides sobs. the last ending.
i thought you'd be mean and make them all die in the end but at least there was ONE kiss :O

♥ you deserve a snowman ☃


quarticpolynomi October 2 2011, 14:21:27 UTC
i was about to do something exceedingly cruel and rewrite the ending in this comment box just for your enjoyment (including, of course, the line Eventually, they all die. This is the end of the story.) but you have provided me with a miniature snowman. i have a terrible weakness for anything involving precipitated crystalline water ice. i must thank you; i did not even know that one could do such a thing with html.

regardless, i am pleased that you enjoyed my execution of the idea i shamelessly cribbed from margaret atwood. i am honestly flattered by your desire to archive my work on physical paper. so thank you very much.


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