30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Thirty!! Final Day!

Jun 30, 2012 10:29

Welcome to Day Thirty of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

Congratulations for making it this far! If you missed a day or two (or more), a 'catch-up' post will go up either tomorrow or Monday. I hope everyone had fun! :)

30 days of puckurt drabble

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Comments 17

pterawaters June 30 2012, 14:58:02 UTC
A return to my Fuckurtofsky 'verse.

Sighing as he shuffled through the apartment, Kurt called ahead, "When did it get so empty in here?"

Noah shrugged and watched Kurt enter the living room, motioning for him to join Noah on the couch, which he did. "Just you and me, babe," he said, pulling Kurt's arm around his shoulder. "You ever think we'd see the day when Irene moved out?"

"No," Kurt chuckled, hugging Noah's shoulders close and kissing his husband's temple. "I think at thirty-four it was definitely time."

"Has she called? Like, is she okay and everything?"

Rolling his eyes, Kurt insists, "She's fine. I know she's your baby and everything, but you have to learn to trust her to make good decisions."

Noah sits forward in his seat and grabs his mug of coffee from the table, bringing it to his lips and taking a long, slow sip. Once he swallowed, he said, "I know that, babe. I've raised three kids."

"You had help!"

"Not that much help."
Kurt smacked Puck's leg. "Oh, you! If Finn and Dave were here, they'd back me up on this."
The air ( ... )


greenglowsgold July 1 2012, 00:58:39 UTC
Lovely way to finish! I'm loving the pure possibility at the end, just as it should be. :)

(P.S. Time for me to be annoying. Are you going to be writing any more of the skank!Kurt verse outside of this challenge? Because I would be... very much not adverse to that. You know, if you had any such plans.)


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Re: Dressage Rider!Kurt & Stable Worker!Puck (2/2) bwuk2003 June 30 2012, 17:41:17 UTC
:) more of this verse is definietly of the good I look forward to reading more


Re: Dressage Rider!Kurt & Stable Worker!Puck (2/2) joymaro June 30 2012, 19:59:31 UTC
Robbed! I've been robbed, I tell you! ;-P

Love this and yeah, I really do want more of this 'verse!


Texts From Last Night: Day 30 (!) (1/2) test_kard_girl July 1 2012, 00:21:59 UTC
(708): I still love him regardless of his misguided forays into heterosexuality

Kurt's sitting at the edge of the pool, with his feet dangling the water and his elbows on his knees. He has that look of carefully concentrated nothing on his face, which Puck started hating a long time ago.

"Yo." Puck says quietly, not wanting to startle him and catapult him into bitch mode.

"Hey." Kurt answers. It's not frosty or irritable or unkind, so Puck sits down beside him, rolling up his pants and sticking his feet in the pool too. Puck doesn't really know what kind of reception he was expecting.

For a minute they both sit, kicking their feet lazily through the water.

"You wanna clean my pool?" Kurt drawls eventually, and Puck snorts:

"Your pool's fucking spotless." He retorts quietly, and watches a tiny smile flit across Kurt's lips.

"So, I know you're playing it cool and all-- but did Lauren body slam you when you broke up with her? Enquiring minds want to know."

Puck purses his lips. "She broke up with me." He admits. "And I wouldn' ( ... )


Texts From Last Night: Day 30 (!) (2/2) test_kard_girl July 1 2012, 00:22:18 UTC
Puck kicks at the water again, watching the the splashes sparkle in the hazy dusk light.

"I liked being in a relationship again though." Puck says, picking at the tiling with his fingernail, forcing himself back onto their previous topic.

"...So did I." Kurt sighs, leaning over and resting his arms on his knees. "It was nice to be with someone solid. Uncomplicated. It felt real with Blaine, y'know? It felt like it was just us against the rest of the world. No ex-girlfriends or teen pregnancies or--"

"-- crushes on step-brothers?" Puck supplies helpfully, and Kurt rolls his eyes, but rests an affectionate hand against Puck's knee:


Puck lets Kurt pull at his knee, resting their legs rest together. It's weirdly intimate, Kurt's fingers tucked against the inside of Puck's thigh. They haven't touched in a long time. Looking at him, Puck thinks the body he would find under all Kurt's fancy layers would be pretty different to the one he was so familiar with this time last year. He won't pretend he hasn't noticed how much he's ( ... )


Re: Texts From Last Night: Day 30 (!) (2/2) allatingle July 1 2012, 01:09:22 UTC
Aww. A wonderful, sweet end to 30 fantastic days. Every one was fresh and inspired and a joy to read. Thanks so much!


Re: Texts From Last Night: Day 30 (!) (2/2) test_kard_girl July 1 2012, 10:59:16 UTC
Aw, what a lovely comment! I'm so glad you enjoyed them, thanks for all your great comments through the month babe! LOVE XXX


30 Magic Moments- Blue-ray and Skittles (1/2) greenglowsgold July 1 2012, 03:01:26 UTC
*I realized I went 29 days without once having the boys together (it takes them too damn long). They’re about 18-19 years old here.

They tried to make time for it, really they did, but they just didn’t have much time, and therein lay the problem. Still, every so often, they found a few free hours where neither of them needed to be anywhere else.

And they went shopping.

Which was just nothing that Puck ever thought he would be doing with any regularity; not voluntarily at least, and certainly he wouldn’t be enjoying it. But these weren’t the typical sort of shopping trips ( ... )


30 Magic Moments- Blue-ray and Skittles (2/2) greenglowsgold July 1 2012, 03:06:21 UTC
“Hey, don’t get frustrated. You know way more about this stuff than about 95% of the wizarding community.”

“Maybe we should get a television sometime,” Kurt mused quietly.

Turning to face Kurt fully, Puck quirked an eyebrow. Much as he liked that idea, they’d only just managed to furnish their flat with the bare essentials, and they didn’t have money to burn just yet.

Seeing the look, Kurt rolled his eyes. “Oh, I know not now; I said sometime. When we can actually afford it and still eat for that month. I just…” He chewed at his lip a little. “I kinda miss movies, y’know ( ... )


30days of wonderfulness flowerpotgirl July 1 2012, 11:21:45 UTC
Thank you to all the amazing writers who managed to keep posting their drabbles and guaranteed me a highlight to my day. What a wonderful selection and all so well expressed. Thank you


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