30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles: It's Back!

May 30, 2012 13:13

Last June, we started the 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles: 30 days of awesome Puckurt drabbles to write, read, share, and enjoy!

Each day in June, someone will make the Daily Puckurt Drabble post (usually by noon, EDST). Comment to that post with your drabble for the day! It'll give us a June with plenty of yummy Puckurt reading. We won't be posting prompts here, but will happily include links (in this post) to any prompt lists you happen to make in your own journals.

As people sign up, this post will be edited with the participants and their theme, if you choose to have a theme. Comment on this post to sign up and let's have a Puckurty-June.

Participants & Themes:
patchfire: 30 Ways Puck & Kurt Get Out of Lima
Anonymous: 30 Lies
akigarin: 30 Movie/TV AUs
ffic4life: 30 Days of Mpreg!Puck
saar_fantasy: 30 Fights & Make-Up Scenes
geeky_ramblings: 30 Alternate Universes
albalonga99: 30 Conversations
joymaro: 30 AUs
way_to_the_end: 30 Songs
sunshine_flying: 30 Little Moments
jooseboxx: 30 Kisses/Cuddles
test_kard_girl: 30 Texts From Last Night
greenglowsgold: 30 Magic Moments
crazysnape: 30 Most Important Moments of Their Lives

!activities, 30 days of puckurt drabble

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