30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Thirty!! Final Day!

Jun 30, 2012 10:29

Welcome to Day Thirty of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Here be the rules; don't forget to include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

Congratulations for making it this far! If you missed a day or two (or more), a 'catch-up' post will go up either tomorrow or Monday. I hope everyone had fun! :)

30 days of puckurt drabble

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30 Magic Moments- Blue-ray and Skittles (1/2) greenglowsgold July 1 2012, 03:01:26 UTC
*I realized I went 29 days without once having the boys together (it takes them too damn long). They’re about 18-19 years old here.

They tried to make time for it, really they did, but they just didn’t have much time, and therein lay the problem. Still, every so often, they found a few free hours where neither of them needed to be anywhere else.

And they went shopping.

Which was just nothing that Puck ever thought he would be doing with any regularity; not voluntarily at least, and certainly he wouldn’t be enjoying it. But these weren’t the typical sort of shopping trips.

The typical sort were the ones where they went down to Diagon Alley more often than not (it was convenient enough considering where they now lived), or some other wizarding shopping center for food or clothes or whatever else. For things they needed, mostly, or things they could pass off as ‘needing’ even under their strict, just-out-of-grade-school budget.

But the rare shopping trips, the ones they had to make time for, those took them somewhere entirely different: Muggle London. Within that category, their destinations varied. Furniture stores, toy shops, more often than not electronics stores, anything was fair game, as long as it was in no way related to magic.

Because sometimes they missed it, really, the simpler, non-magical world they’d both at least partially grown up in. It had been all Kurt had known for the first eleven and a half years of his life, after all, and while Puck had been exposed to the magical world, the focus was on Muggle life whenever he was at home, as his mother required. They’d both gone to a primary school where they were taught reading and arithmetic and the bare bones of science, and they’d both come to miss it over the years since.

Sure, magic was wonderful and all, but sometimes Puck wondered what he would have learned if he’d taken biology or physics, or any of the other subjects he found in the academic sections of Muggle bookstores. Kurt bought a few of those books over the course of several shopping trips, hoping to learn something new, but Puck saw him crouched over them some evenings, frustrated, wondering out loud why it all felt so foreign.

Still, they loved taking trips back to the world they remembered from when they were young, just wandering the streets and not buying much of anything, most days. Re-discovering all the wonderful things Muggles had invented without magic to make it easier. And learning about everything new that had come out in the few years they’d been off at Hogwarts.

“‘Blue-ray?’” Kurt turned the case over and over in his hands, considering the item. “Is that very different from a DVD?”

“Shouldn’t you know that?” Puck asked, putting down the CD he’d been looking at (he’d picked it up the last couple of times they’d made it here, too, and by now he was wondering whether he should just buy it). “I mean, isn’t your dad up on the Muggle trends?”

“Isn’t your mother?” Kurt countered. “They’re parents, though. They’re bound to be behind the times. And I can’t see much of anything different between the two types of disc.”

Puck ambled over, plucking the case out of Kurt’s hands and carefully reading through the back, hoping for more clues. “Well, it’s newer, I guess. Probably better quality. And you need a whole different player for them, right?”

Kurt sighed, exasperated. “Why would they come up with something that needs a whole new player just to get them to work? I still remember video.”


30 Magic Moments- Blue-ray and Skittles (2/2) greenglowsgold July 1 2012, 03:06:21 UTC
“Hey, don’t get frustrated. You know way more about this stuff than about 95% of the wizarding community.”

“Maybe we should get a television sometime,” Kurt mused quietly.

Turning to face Kurt fully, Puck quirked an eyebrow. Much as he liked that idea, they’d only just managed to furnish their flat with the bare essentials, and they didn’t have money to burn just yet.

Seeing the look, Kurt rolled his eyes. “Oh, I know not now; I said sometime. When we can actually afford it and still eat for that month. I just…” He chewed at his lip a little. “I kinda miss movies, y’know?”

Yeah, Puck knew. He still thought it was weird that wizards didn’t have any kind of equivalent to television, just relied on live entertainment. Sometimes he wondered which of the two groups was really further ahead. “Yeah, well. Sarah’s kept up with that stuff pretty well; she says you can watch all that shit on computers now. Even DVDs. Maybe we could just go for one of those.”

Kurt frowned. “Can they do Blue-ray?”

“Jeez, I dunno, Kurt. Can we think about this in a month or two? Like, when we actually have the money to do something about it?”

“Yeah, sure. Hey, do you want to go to the candy store after this? I mean, it is practically next door…” Kurt trailed off, looking hopefully up at Puck.

It was hard not to laugh. Puck still remembered the very first day he’d met Kurt, when they’d gone into Honeyduke’s and gone all around the shop, rummaging through the shelves for the most interesting magical candies they could find. And now it was the Muggle candy that was new (old) and fantastic, because they’d gotten out of the habit of being used to it.

It was the same look on Kurt’s face, though, the same excitement.

“Yeah, we should definitely go.” Puck nodded decisively; not that he would have had much of a say once Kurt had made up his mind about this. “I kinda really want some Skittles now.” He kind of always wanted some Skittles, if he thought about it long enough.

Kurt dropped the case he’d been holding back onto the shelf and grabbed Puck’s hand instead. Puck twined his fingers around and around Kurt’s, doubling back when he hit empty space and covering the whole of Kurt’s hand with his own. “Good,” Kurt said. “Candy’s simple, anyway. So much easier to justify spending only five pounds.”

“Even when it’s five pounds every time we walk by the shop?”

“Shut up. You know you’d walk by even more if I weren’t here to stop you.”

Puck grinned and tugged a little at the hand in his, pulling Kurt in closer. “Yeah, alright. My hero or whatever.” He leaned forward and planted a short kiss on Kurt’s lips. “Saving me from buying my weight in Skittles.”

“Yep, that’s me.” Kurt pressed a second kiss to Puck’s forehead, just below his hairline, and rubbed affectionately over the length of his mohawk, before pulling back and starting to tug Puck toward the exit. “Now, come on. We have some flavorless, multi-colored tablets to purchase.”

“Hey, they have flavor!”

“Sure, but they all have the same flavor. It evens out, means nothing.”

“That’s crap and you know it.”

When the door opened, a blast of cold, winter air hit Puck in the face. He shivered and pulled in closer to Kurt for more of the warmth that spread into him from the fingers entwined in his.


That's all for now, folks; I hope you enjoyed! Until the next drabble challenge or other appropriate outlet for my bizarre ramblings of an HP verse.
(P.S. I have a tumblr now, so come friend me or follow me or however it works so I can figure it out.<3)


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