30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day One!

Jun 01, 2012 08:06

Welcome to the first day of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

Before we get started, a few rules:

1. While a drabble is technically a 100 word story, we're using the term a little more loosely to mean "anything that's too short to feel comfortable publishing it as a one-shot."

2. To avoid overwhelming the community with multiple drabble posts on top of our usual volume, please post your drabbles as comments to the daily drabble post (so, comment with drabble #1 to this post). This will help our mods keep the community tidy AND make it really easy to read everyone's drabbles every day!

3. If you have a theme, please put it in the subject line of the comment. If your drabble is explicit, slapping a rating/warning into the subject line also wouldn't hurt.

4. Please include a rating if the piece is rated higher than PG.

FYI: At the top of the post, where there is a little pushpin icon, you can set it up for LJ to send you an email anytime we post a new entry tagged "30 days of puckurt drabble." This is especially helpful if you're going to be posting on the go sometimes.

Finally, if you haven't signed up and would like to jump in, please do so! It'd be great if you'd also hop over to the sign up post and comment there. 

30 days of puckurt drabble

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