30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles Day Twelve

Jun 12, 2012 08:24

Welcome to Day Twelve of 30 Days of Puckurt Drabbles in June: 2012 Edition!

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30 days of puckurt drabble

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30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (1/3) greenglowsgold June 12 2012, 19:09:14 UTC
*Aaaand back to first year. Directly after Day 10.

It wasn’t that Kurt didn’t know who Argus Filch was; everyone did, either because he yelled at you in the hallways in your first week or because your friend freaked out over a cat one day and you asked them why on earth they were so jumpy. But he’d never spent more than two minutes in the same general area as the man, so he wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from this detention. Except, obviously, that they would be polishing trophies, but that was right there in the description.

Kurt wondered about it all day, right up until they were walking fast through the halls, trying to make it to their destination on time.

“We’re going to be late!”

“To a detention. Hard to care, Kurt ( ... )


30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (2/3) greenglowsgold June 12 2012, 19:10:14 UTC
Barely stopping himself from chewing his lip, because that wasn’t a very good habit, Kurt kept his eyes on his working hands, so he didn’t see Filch sneak up behind them, and jumped three feet in the air when the man popped out of nowhere (like he’d sensed Puck pausing his work for a minute or something, oh God) and yelling at them to keep working. They nodded dutifully for the minute or two it took Filch to berate them and then waited until they were sure he was gone before laughing.

That had either been bad timing or very, very good timing, but either way it was probably the best possible option for breaking the tension of the moment. The laughter was half oh-my-God-did-you-see-just-how-high-you-jumped? and half a reaction to the swell of relief that came after ( ... )


30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (3/3) greenglowsgold June 12 2012, 19:11:32 UTC
In the end, they didn’t get back until after midnight, giggling about something Kurt couldn’t remember a minute later and just about collapsing where they stood from exhaustion. God, there were so many trophies in that room. That was probably why they called it the Trophy Room, he supposed. And now they were all clean.

Puck accepted his congratulatory high-five when he mentioned this out loud, grinning and forgetting for a moment that they’d only done it in the first place because they’d been made to. They were both just so tired, they would have believed almost anything in that moment.

With the brief thought that he hoped they wouldn’t waking people up with their laughter and good deeds, Kurt opened the door to their dorm room and stumbled a little at getting inside. He really didn’t feel like bothering to brush his teeth or change his clothes, those felt way too complicated to attempt right now, so he just fell into bed instead.

An indignant poke to his side reminded him a moment later that he’d actually fallen into Puck’s bed, ( ... )


Re: 30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (3/3) akigarin June 12 2012, 21:13:43 UTC
That trophy scene was nice. Your Kurt and Puck have such great chemistry even in little scenes like that.


Re: 30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (3/3) greenglowsgold June 13 2012, 17:36:37 UTC
Really? Yay! I'm always worrying on whether they're playing off each other well enough. :)


Re: 30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (3/3) pterawaters June 13 2012, 02:15:22 UTC


Re: 30 Magic Moments- Worst Saturday Ever Part 2: Detention (3/3) greenglowsgold June 13 2012, 17:36:57 UTC


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