
Dec 03, 2010 21:06

[The audio starts with a brief whine of feedback. After working with nanocommunications for so many years, switching back to an old fashioned broadcast can be a little strange in itself. But Snake is nothing if not adaptable, and old habits are easy enough to fall back into. People familiar with Big Boss will recognize the voice. Different in the ( Read more... )

raiden, kadaj, liquid snake, yuri lowell, !solid snake, kazuhira miller, big boss

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Comments 174

1/? ysobritish December 4 2010, 02:07:40 UTC
[Out in the wilderness, Liquid stands frozen, staring at the CLD.]


2/? ysobritish December 4 2010, 02:08:35 UTC
[It isn't possible.]

[It's not possible.]

[He repeats those words like a mantra inside of his head.]

[Snake can't be here, he cant, fate wouldn't be that cruel.]


3/? ysobritish December 4 2010, 02:09:56 UTC
[Liquid's hands are shaking as he reaches for the CLD. The hand hovers over the button but doesn't press it. Not yet. He can't.]


4/? ysobritish December 4 2010, 02:11:28 UTC
[He'd lost.]

[He'd stared up at Snake as the life ebbed from him at last, as the pain overtook him and his body gave out entirely. He remembered reaching for him, remembered Snake not even moving and why should he? Liquid was dying and there was no need for speeches, he'd made enough of those.]

[The last thing he'd seen was Snake's face.]

[Slowly, he lowered his hand to the controls.]


FANCY SEEING YOU HERE <3 ALSO [video] lightningninja December 4 2010, 05:08:43 UTC

[This had to be the one he was familiar with!]

You just got here?


OHAI <3 [video] formerfoxhound December 4 2010, 05:22:23 UTC

[Lucky you, Raiden, Snake recognizes that voice. It takes him a minute to mess with the settings on the CLD so he can respond in kind. The video is faint and grainy. Sort of like the visuals you get with CODEC, really.]

Hn. Something like that.


[video forevs unless they end up meeting up idk] lightningninja December 4 2010, 05:37:20 UTC
[The voice is hard not to recognize, after all~]

...Well then, uh, welcome to... here.

[Though he isn't sure what he means by Canada, he assumes maybe he'd gone up there for whatever reason.]

It's about time someone I knew turned up. I couldn't contact you, Rose, Otacon or even the "Colonel".


'kay. o> formerfoxhound December 4 2010, 06:02:15 UTC
[...So helpful, Raiden, thanks.]

[The Canada thing is...a long story. You were there! ...Naked.]

Sounds like I missed a lot. Otacon's not here, huh?


1/2 spawnedbywar December 4 2010, 08:28:32 UTC
[oh hey, future student guy! aren't you a sight for sore eyes!]


2/2 video spawnedbywar December 4 2010, 08:29:51 UTC
Took you long enough! This dump was starting to get boring.


video formerfoxhound December 4 2010, 08:54:05 UTC
[Oh, hey, there's a nice surprise for a change. Not often he gets those. He can't help but feel a trickle of relief.]

Sorry to keep you waiting. You too, huh?

[It's a regular reunion.]


video spawnedbywar December 4 2010, 08:59:37 UTC
You still have your long-term memory, I'm impressed. Your brother didn't recognize me at all, but I guess that was for the best.

What's the last thing you remember? In ten words or less, if you please.


[video] /breaks hiatus just for you |3a argentcruelty December 4 2010, 08:54:10 UTC
[It takes Kadaj a moment to realise that that voice didn't belong to Big Boss (or that if it did, Big Boss had suddenly contracted Liquid's amnesia). Briefly he considers checking in with Liquid to make sure the man wasn't going to do something too stupid... but then he just shrugs. Snake could deal, and Liquid... was Liquid.]

They think they can tell us our memories are fake. [In a way, he's testing. Would Snake remember who he was, or had he forgotten, too?]


[video] /is special |3a formerfoxhound December 4 2010, 08:57:16 UTC
Hm. And do you believe it?

[Not too indicative either way. He'll leave you hanging for a bit.]


[video] ♥ argentcruelty December 4 2010, 09:14:40 UTC

Why would I? I know my memories are real, and I'll kill anyone who tries to tell me otherwise.


[video] formerfoxhound December 4 2010, 09:37:17 UTC
[Nobody's making you talk to him, Kadaj.]

Bit of an overreaction, don't you think? If you're so sure of yourself, why does it matter?


[voice] tank_top_lover December 4 2010, 11:16:29 UTC
Is it normal for you to land in different... worlds...?


[voice] formerfoxhound December 4 2010, 11:42:31 UTC
Guess I'm something of a nomad. I prefer moving deliberately than being forced against my will, though.

[A shifting sound before he continues. Though you can't see it, he's rubbing absently at the bridge of his nose. He could really use a cigarette, but he's fresh out.]

...Canada's less of a world and more of a country. Border's just a bit north of where we are now, if this is really Boston. [Not that this place or Siren's Port look like anything resembling normal.] Though they've both been a little different than I remember. The story about the war is new.


[voice] tank_top_lover December 4 2010, 11:54:01 UTC
Well, I either prefer moving around to get some adventures or do nothing really, but I don't like being send into a completely different world then mine...

[He is frowning a little.]

Great. Then that means Boston and Canada are in the same world, yeah? At least that means you're somehow still in the same world as before? Good for you. I wish it would be the same for me...

[He can't really say that anything looks like his own world.]


[voice] formerfoxhound December 5 2010, 09:01:15 UTC
You could say that. Sure doesn't look much like home, though.


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