[The audio starts with a brief whine of feedback. After working with nanocommunications for so many years, switching back to an old fashioned broadcast can be a little strange in itself. But Snake is nothing if not adaptable, and old habits are easy enough to fall back into. People familiar with Big Boss will recognize the voice. Different in the
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Comments 174
Well, what do you think is going on, huh?
[Big Boss gets a pause and a slow exhalation before he speaks. Not quite as dramatic a reaction as last time. There's a sound which might translate to him dropping his head back against whatever wall he's leaning on at the moment.]
...I think you're all pretty damn loud for people I'm supposed to have made up.
[Or is that not how it works?]
Good answer. [in a lot of ways -] And you don't seem particularly surprised by the sound of your own voice.
[He'd been expecting you, BB. Liquid sort of ruined the surprise. Along with nearly everyone else he'd spoken to.]
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