I've been doing my research on cloth diapering, and am waiting to be accepted to
clothdiapering , so I thought I would ask you ladies a few questions. I looked through this community's tags, as well. I got lots of great info there, but I still have these inquiries...
We're already certain that we're going with cloth. I really like bumGenius in particular
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Comments 19
one size dipes means you buy it in one size and adjust it to fit for weight.
but the other ones are sized and you buy new ones for more weight.
I'm in total agreement. We do love our bG!. I also like Happy Heinys, but we can never use them for nighttime because they always seem to leak. It totally depends on the baby, their dimension, your preferences, etc...
I have one pack of newborn disposibles because I'm assuming the one-size diapers will be a little too big at the very beginning.
One Size means that it adjusts to fit different sized babies and toddlers. In theory, a one size diaper should fit a child from the time they are born, to when they are potty trained. According to the cloth diapering community, it takes infants a little while to grow into them.
I was debating between using Bum Genius Diapers and FuzziBunz. In the end, I decided to go with FB because I prefer the snaps to applix (sp?).
We are going to use disposables for the first few weeks...then we'll transition to cloth. Our stash consists of small FuzziBunz, one size FuzziBunz, one size Wonderoos, and five Goodmamas.
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