I've been doing my research on cloth diapering, and am waiting to be accepted to
clothdiapering , so I thought I would ask you ladies a few questions. I looked through this community's tags, as well. I got lots of great info there, but I still have these inquiries...
We're already certain that we're going with cloth. I really like bumGenius in particular
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I tend to hate all things synthetic/hard to wash, so I am planning on all prefolds and covers. That and they are cheep. Cotton is easy to wash and hard to damage in a way that makes it stop working :) the synthetic fleeces and suades in a lot of pocket diapers are picky about how they are washed and can hold stink. No one in the cloth diaper community ever asks about stink issues, washing issues or repelling issues with prefolds, it seems to be pockets and All-in-ones -AIO- that cause most of the wailing and nashing of teeth.
My favorite place for preflods is greenmountaindiapers.com They have a wonderful tutorial on how to use prefolds and covers. And their prefolds are sized to fit in most covers with out extra folding that is common to most standard sized prefolds.
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