♞ frequently asked questions

Aug 19, 2009 20:28


Please also see the rules page.
♟ Applying and Playing
Can I apply for an original character, or is this game for fandom characters only?
Yes, you can apply for an original character, however, the character must be completely original--meaning no fandom OCs. You cannot app your original character from Bleach, for example, it has to be from your own story. And, as such, the apps must be in much greater detail than a fandom character, in which we as mods can go to another site for character reference.

What's the difference between a rejection and a revision request?
If you receive a rejection, you must wait at least three days before applying again. However, if you receive a revision request, you may post your revision straight away; a wavered application is much closer to being accepted than a rejected one.

Why hasn't my application been looked at yet?
We aim to look at and judge applications within three days of them being posted. This is not always possible, but all applications should be dealt with within the week. If you have not received a response within a week and there is nothing on the application page to suggest that it would take any longer, please contact a mod.

Can I pick my character up as already having done a few years at the academy?

What are the minimum and maximum ages for a student?
There are seven years within the school. The minimum age to join is eleven, and the maximum is fifteen. This means that, providing that there are no grades being failed and retaken, Estrasia Academy takes students between the ages of eleven and twenty-two, though the majority of invitations are given out well before the age of fifteen, meaning that it is very unusual to find anyone in their twenties still a student. However, exceptions have been made to this in the past. If you are considering applying for one of these exceptions, please, contact a mod.

What are the minimum and maximum ages for a teacher?
Technically there is neither a minimum nor maximum age, though applications for very young teachers will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

The character I'm playing was here before played by a different mun. Will the rest of the characters remember them?
Yes, but your character will not have the memories from when the other mun played them. Feel free to go in a completely different direction.

I want to apply for a character that already has canonmates in the game, but I want to pick them up from a different point. Is this okay?
This is part of where an AU has its strength; yes, since you're not playing them from canon, it is fine to app from a completely different timeline and none of your canonmates will know the difference.

I'm considering applying for a teacher; what can they teach?
Anything and everything! Whilst magical classes are what gives Estrasia Academy its flair, students are also taught about languages, mathematics, the sciences, the arts, etc.

I want to play an adult character, but not as a teacher. How about nurses, technicians, guidance counselors and other employees of the school?
That's fine, just make a note of it on your application.

Can sample posts be in canon-verse or the game's universe?
The game's universe, please!

What are each of the communities for?
super_powers is for first person network posts, super_log is for third person novel-style logs, super_ooc is for anything you want to say as a mun (introductions, hiatuses, fanworks, etc.) and super_crack is for anything that you want to do in-character or out-of-character that's really crazy and won't be affecting the game.

What does the network allow?
The network is considered to be the main comm. Though technically what should be allowed is text, voice and video, people are allowed to make action posts.

They're only allowed for characters that aren't represented through images, such as characters from books.

Will there be activity checks?
Yes. A list of characters that have both not posted to super_powers or posted a hiatus. The muns will have one week to post with them or declare a hiatus before they are removed from the game. The only activity that will count in these are posts between the 15th and end of each month.

♟ The Setting
Where is the school based?
The school is based upon a floating island. Beyond the academy grounds there are two villages and a small, almost entirely crystalline city sharing the island, but the island itself is almost entirely self-sufficient and cut off from the rest of society.

How do characters get to the school?
A sky train!

Can my character decide to go home and never come back?
No. Upon coming to the school, they've signed a contract that says they have to stay at the school for four years minimum. If they try to leave the campus for a long period of time not during holidays, they'll pass out and find themselves back in the main hall.

Are my characters allowed to leave the academy grounds?
Only on weekends and during holidays.

When are holidays and how long are they?
See the calendar! There is approximately one week of holiday per two months of school, plus two weeks for the summer holiday.

What can students do over the holidays?
Students are welcome to go home over the holidays, but they will find that their powers have been limited (though not entirely taken away) until they graduate. They may also stay at the school (though no classes take place) or stay in the hotel on the floating island's city that the academy especially books for holidays. These two options result in no power limitations.

What is the attitude towards magic off of the island?
People are suspicious and feel somewhat threatened, but there has been no significant uprising against it.

What's the level of technology?
From flying cars to sentient robots, the world's technology is much more advanced than our own.

Which books are in the library? How about my character's canon?
The library is very large, and thus can tell your character about anything he or she would ever want to know... except for their canon and their future.

For more detailed information about the setting see the setting post (now with maps!).

♟ Characters
In canon, my character is 394389 years old, but appears fifteen. Can I play them like that?
Unfortunately not, due to the way magic works. You're welcome to age them down, though!

My character has no magical powers in canon; can I give them some?

My character does have magical powers in canon, but I would like to change what they have as part of the AU. Is that okay?
Yes; go right ahead.

My character has no fixed residence; would a courier be sent from the school to track them down?

Can I apply for a non-human character?
Depends. Are they humanoid? Vampires, demons and the like are welcomed (we do in fact have a demon realm in-game), whilst animals and robots, for example, won't recieve invitations (it is possible to make exceptions however, so contact a mod). Someone that could change into an animal or a robot would be okay, though!

My character is a noble in canon. Is there any equivalent in this world?
In some countries yes, in others no. See settings for more information.

♟ Magic
How does magic work, anyway?
In this world, there is a substance called mana. It is in the atmosphere, and everyone is subjected to its effects, whether they like it or not. It is useless to most people, but some people are predisposed to have a slightly different effect to it, and develop super powers as a direct result of their contact with it. The academy's goal is to help generations upon generations of people to better utilise the mana, and thus develop their powers.

Would my character's powers disappear if they didn't continue to exercise them throughout the school?
Yes. The academy takes students at the age that they do for a very simple reason; if their powers haven't been tamed and developed extensively by around the age of twenty, they will lose them completely.

Do powers run through families?
Not necessarily; whilst there is a great deal of research going on, there appears to be no pattern as to who has powers and who doesn't.

What if I want to change my character's main power halfway through?
Contact a mod. Since it's a pretty big change, we'd like to hear your reasons and possibly help set up a mini-plot or an event that would cause it to happen.

What are the limitations on my character's main power?
Practically nothing! If your character is majorly overpowered you may be asked to tone it down, but that's the only real limitation per se.

What's the difference between a main power and another power?
The main power is what your character has been brought to Estrasia to develop; any extra powers are just bonuses. Your character will only start with their main power, and it will always be their strongest; for example, a character that has telepathy as their primary ability may be able to easily read every word of someone's mind, whereas a character that has it as an added one may only be able to 'feel' hidden feelings and very vague ideas of what the other character is thinking about, no matter how hard they try to learn it.

♟ Miscellaneous
What language is everyone speaking (and can they all understand each other)?
In school and at home, everyone is taught at least two different dialects. One of them is the universal language that everyone in the world speaks, and the other is the language of the country. Each country has it's own language that is different from all the others. The national languages are used to teach in most schools, though at Estrasia, the international language is preferred as students and teachers come from different countries. People from the same countries may still interact in their own languages within the school once in a while though, when they are trying to speak in private, or simply if they are more comfortable with their own dialect.

How is alt interaction dealt with?
People are discouraged from roleplaying their own characters against each other, but minimal interaction for plots and the like is fine.

Does the school require its students to wear uniforms?
No, but their attire must be sensible.

How do tags work?
Tags are able to be added and removed by every member of the community. On super_powers, each post should be tagged with just the poster's tag only. On super_log, each post should be tagged with both the poster's and any commenters' tags. Tag format is just the character name. For example, Belphegor's tag is belphegor.

I would like to play bloody, horrific violence/a sex log/something else adult oriented. Is that okay?
Sex between characters over the age of eighteen is fine. However, these logs should have a warning on them and should be locked to members of the community. Whilst we can't say 'people don't have underage sex ever', any threads or logs with characters under 18 that are headed that way should be faded to black please!

As for violence and death, characters do not "die". They can be fatally injured, but when they are on the brink of death, they will be transported instantly to the schools hospital. It will be treated like death in any other RP in the sense that they cannot starts threading again for a few days while they recover.

Any more questions? Feel free to reply to this post with them!


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