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Comments 6

yemi_hikari September 10 2015, 18:14:32 UTC
I've seen some people putting together RTB with quotes claim their story's not as good without the quotes. Seeing an actual RTB without the actual quotes makes me see why.

1. They're using the quotes as a crutch for their bad writing.
2. Since they're using the quotes as a crutch there was no need to indicate what point in the reading the characters are at.

I think the worst part is the basic premise every single writer uses, and the same jokes that get hashed over and over again. Their is no lick of originality because the writers are following a predetermined formula rather then thinking outside of the box.

Perhaps I should go ahead and write my RTB to show it can be done without using quotes as a crutch.


beacon80 June 25 2016, 06:07:27 UTC
Even if they had good writing, all we're getting is a bunch of punchlines without the setup. This ultimately isn't about the characters reading the books, it's about the characters making fun of the books. So without the original text... well, it's like watching a MST episode with all of the audio and video of the movie cut out. Just a bunch of random comments that might be funny if you knew the context.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess your idea has less to do with them making fun of the books and more to do with how this actually impacts them.


yemi_hikari January 5 2017, 19:10:29 UTC
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I've not been on LJ for months.

Yes, my idea has more to do with how the story impacts them. I've also since this realized I've written a few though, which poke fun of specific ideas. Specifically the differences between the movie and books. This, I wouldn't call it even making fun of the books, as they aren't even looking at the series critically. They're just randomly commenting.


castlesofsalt September 11 2015, 23:02:34 UTC
I think the worst part of this to me is that there's a good idea buried in here. You know how Mythbusters showed that with a team of ten people, it'll take you about seven hours to find a needle in a haystack? I feel like there's a needle here to be found but this fic misses it ( ... )


yemi_hikari September 17 2015, 07:20:14 UTC
That's what I've always thought about RTB, but the problem is those who do RTB honestly think MSTing the books is amazing. Even after getting their stories pulled from multiple sites they don't get what's wrong with the way they're going about the RTB.


darth_gojira June 30 2018, 21:59:10 UTC
Oh no it's gone Meta! And it's trying to use Meta DRAMATICALLY. This is such a bad idea...


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