3539: Do or Die: The Sorcerer's Stone - Harry and company

Sep 08, 2015 17:26

It's tme for Tropes Sue Week either. I'm looking for help finding entries for said week.

Today's trope is the Fixfic. Here's the quote from TV Tropes.

“Sometimes the fans think that The Powers That Be screwed it. Maybe they've wasted the storyline, or they went for the obvious when a better solution should have been favoured. Maybe they've paired the wrong couple together, or they've derailed the character or they don't even understand who the true hero of the story should be. Or, even worse, they've killed the most important character. “

There is a difference between fixing an actual problem within a fandom franchize and fixing something because you're not happy with it, or because you mistakenly think you can make a better version. For stories where the characters read the books...

… let's just say they've got their own problems.

Today's link of the day is

TITLE: Do or Die: The Sorcerer's Stone
PERPETRATOR: MarauderishMischieMaker
COVER/BANNER ART: The writer's avatar is of Harry and Sirius in his dog form.
SUMMARY:”Take two, people (without any text from the actual books)! The Golden Trio from 1998 bring seven books into the past, care of Potter house-elf, Lulu. The books are to be read in the two weeks before the 1994 Quidditch World Cup. Can the books secure Sirius's freedom? Can they even save lives?”
FULL NAME: Harry and company
SPECIES: characters reading the books
HAIR: n/a
EYES: n/a
POSSESSIONS: … the entire Harry Potter series
CONNECTION TO CANON: The characters suddenly have the books, and are now making out of character comments as they read the books. If the comments aren't out of character then they're simply something nobody would ever make.
ORIGIN: The characters insert random comments as someone reads the books out loud to them.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Apparently by reading the books they will be able to fix the future. Apparently there is also no reason for them to distrust these books, and for Dumbledore to insist everybody read them out loud. The characters aren't a bunch of preschool/elementary students sitting around at the library waiting for the librarian to read them a book. Why can't each character read the book themselves? Why does everybody need to read the books?

NOTES: The example is from chapter two. Skipping the quotes just makes the bad characterization clearer. Why for example would Figg bring up what she did at the beginning?


Mrs. Figg grimaced. "Why me? I lived near the Muggles, I don't need to read about them!"

"I have a feeling you will be the least shocked of all us," said Remus. "Besides Harry, that is."

Mrs. Figg cleared his throat. Book One Chapter One


"Oh, yes!" Hermione snapped. "They're practically perfect in every way!"

Harry and Remus suppressed snorts while the Purebloods looked on confused. "Mary Poppins is a character from a Muggle movie," Remus explained. "I don't think you've heard of it. "


"No imagination!" Tonks huffed.

Harry grinned at his godfather's cousin. "I think we soon establish that my relatives don't have any."

"That requires a functioning brain!" Sirius pointed out through the mirror

Remus sighed. A moody Sirius made a very long book. "Continue, Arabella,"

"The things these Muggles think of," sighed Arthur Weasley.

Hermione looked thoughtful. "Did you ever take Muggle Studies, you would've liked it."

"It wasn't offered when I was in school."

Harry snorted. Everything about his uncle was large.

"If only Petunia would keep an eye on that atrocious son of hers!" snapped Mrs. Figg.

"When do we learn about your cousin, mate?" Ron asked.

"Oh, there he is. " He turned to the twins, who were grinning. "What are you two on about?"

"We're just thinking of all the ways…"started George

"…he must have been made fun of as a kid…

"With a name like Dudley!" they finished together.

Mrs. Figg was the only one who didn't chuckle at their antics. She knew, after all, that it was not Dudley who had been bullied all his life but the messy-haired boy sitting across from her. She should have done something. Alerted Dumbledore. But it was in the past and now all she wanted to do was make it up to Harry.

"The hatred has been since Lily's Hogwarts letter to be exact," sighed Dumbledore.

stu - remus lupin, stu - sirius black, stu - george weasley, stu - severus snape, rating - awful, sue - ginny weasley, stu - fred weasley, sue - molly weasley, stu - ronald weasley, stu - harry potter, sue - hermione granger, stu - arthur weasley, sue - tonks, ss - entire cast, stu - albus dumbledore, sue - minerva mcgonagal, p - fixfic

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