Nov 26, 2014 21:56
I want to do a series where I feature a Mary Sue for each Mary Sue trope there is. However... this is going to require a bit of time to put together as well as some help from the minions if it is to be successful. The tropes are the following...
* Thirty Sue Pile Up - Filled
* Anti-Sue - Filled
* Black Hole Sue
* Canon Defilement - Filled
* Canon Sue
* Copy Cat Sue
* Dream Sue ~ (Since this trope actually involves a character dreaming themselves being perfect I am looking for a Mary Sue fic with dream sequences instead.)
* Einstein Sue
* Fixer Sue
* Gary Stu/Marty Stu
* God-Mode Sue
* Jerk Sue
* Lemon Stu
* Mary Sue Classic
* Mary Tzu ~ 1
* Neutrality Sue
* Parody Sue
* Purity Sue
* Possession Sue
* Relationship Sue
* Sympathetic Sue Filled
* Villain Sue
Total ~ 1/1
If you come across one of these that hasn't been featured in the next month or so then leave a comment. Comments will be screened so that people don't know what is being sent in. Be sure to list all of the "tropes" that apply to said story. In the mean time I'm doing a Pokémon week because someone asked for such a week as the new Pokémon games came out. (I may have done this before though...) The plan is then to do a Hermione week featuring only crossovers and then doing the same with Ginny, Luna, Harry.
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