3358 - sweet - Vanessa Shiba

Nov 08, 2014 21:13

Duh, duh duh! Fanfic contest! For the link of the day we have the Shiba clan from Power Rangers. (Hey... it's relevant to today's entry.) Flashback Sue is a bit of an odd one.

TITLE: sweet
PERPETRATOR: morgan/reese.756
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am - elemental magic, related to the potters, rating - awful, je - student (new to school), p - crossover

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Comments 9

beacon80 November 10 2014, 18:30:13 UTC
Wow, this doesn't even try to hand wave how Harry's sister ended up in America, rather than being sent to the Dursley's ( ... )


pottersues November 11 2014, 05:12:25 UTC
I think this particular Power Rangers takes place in Japan, but I could be wrong. I still wonder why she was adopted by a Japanese family with all Japanese names and given an English first name. Actually... why a Japanese clan is adopting a Caucasian child is interesting as well.


beacon80 November 21 2014, 20:12:12 UTC
Fair enough. Granted, his sister ending up in Japan just makes it worse.


indigoneutrino November 10 2014, 19:07:56 UTC
Hogwarts does have terms, doesn't it? Like any other UK school?

I think the fact that some actual Power Rangers stuff shows up eventually is all the more reason for me to not read this one. That's one fandom I'm happy to leave in my childhood memories and not watch a Sue stomp all over.


indigoneutrino November 10 2014, 19:11:41 UTC
Argh, post fail. That was meant to be a reply to beacon80.


whizzingfizbee November 11 2014, 15:24:48 UTC
I mean they have start and end of term feasts, and they go home for winter and Easter holidays so it seems like they're working on a normal three-term schedule, but I don't think they ever refer to the individual terms.


whizzingfizbee November 11 2014, 15:26:32 UTC
Vanessa whistled and her broom caught her. She then shot fire at the cannon ball sized projectile and desinegrated it. Then, she flew up and caught the snitch.

Sounds legit and totally not against the rules. I don't think anyone is going to want you on their quidditch team if your primary method of play is to just blow stuff up.


yemi_hikari November 22 2014, 00:16:31 UTC
I think blowing up one of the bludgers would cause the other team to be allowed a free shot or two.


yemi_hikari November 22 2014, 00:18:38 UTC
I'm wondering if the writer is a new generation Power Rangers fan or one of the older writers who never grew up.


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