3358 - sweet - Vanessa Shiba

Nov 08, 2014 21:13

Duh, duh duh! Fanfic contest! For the link of the day we have the Shiba clan from Power Rangers. (Hey... it's relevant to today's entry.) Flashback Sue is a bit of an odd one.

TITLE: sweet
PERPETRATOR: morgan/reese.756
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am - elemental magic, related to the potters, rating - awful, je - student (new to school), p - crossover

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beacon80 November 10 2014, 18:30:13 UTC
Wow, this doesn't even try to hand wave how Harry's sister ended up in America, rather than being sent to the Dursley's.
On that note, I love how little impact Harry finding out he has a sister has.

And... she's apparently been attending Hogwarts since "last term" (not that Hogwarts uses terms), which explains how she can already be in a relationship with Draco, but makes it baffling that somehow nobody else has ever noticed her before.
There's also the question of how she knows more about her heritage and magic than Harry, when she's attended less school than he has.

The last chapter has her brother the Power Ranger show up again. Although on that note, while I haven't watched PR since the original show, it seems unlikely that they'd be asking the eleven-year-old sister of a ranger to help, to the point of interfering with her learning magic.

A few other amusing tidbits:
1) While flying, she uses her non-canon powers to disintegrate a bludger. This would presumably be against the rules in an actual game, but since this is a tryout, it's just destruction of school property.
2) When asked why she's late, she immediately tells Snape of all people that her brother is Harry Potter, but asks him not to tell anyone.


pottersues November 11 2014, 05:12:25 UTC
I think this particular Power Rangers takes place in Japan, but I could be wrong. I still wonder why she was adopted by a Japanese family with all Japanese names and given an English first name. Actually... why a Japanese clan is adopting a Caucasian child is interesting as well.


beacon80 November 21 2014, 20:12:12 UTC
Fair enough. Granted, his sister ending up in Japan just makes it worse.


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