3358 - sweet - Vanessa Shiba

Nov 08, 2014 21:13

Duh, duh duh! Fanfic contest! For the link of the day we have the Shiba clan from Power Rangers. (Hey... it's relevant to today's entry.) Flashback Sue is a bit of an odd one.

TITLE: sweet
PERPETRATOR: morgan/reese.756
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of the writer's avatar which is a husky pup.
SUMMARY:”read and find out what happens. I suck at summaries”
FULL NAME: Vanessa Shiba
SPECIES: I believe this is an OC who is an additional family member to the Shiba clan in the Power Rangers. (I couldn't find the character on any of the wiki.) I think she may be Harry's twin sister... yup... but his older sister. And they're related to Godric Gryffindor.. revealed in chapter five.
HAIR: “long black hair that went 3/4 down her back,”
EYES: “peircing sapphire blue eyes”
MARKINGS: She wears one fingerless glove because she has “a permanent scorch mark and...” it cuts off.
POSSESSIONS: She wears one fingerless glove. We don't learn about it in chapter three.
CONNECTION TO CANON: Vanessa is the new girl at the school. Despite being a complete stranger she and Draco start to make out. Everybody is now shocked that he would date a Gryffindor. She is under the orders of Harry to keep Draco in line. In the second chapter everyone is gossiping about how “did you ever hear of a Slytherin dating a Gryffindor?” In chapter three we find out she's just like Harry. When asked “why didn't you start Hogwarts at 11 like everyone else?” her answer is “I was training to help my adoptive brother with... a mission, when it was completed I came here.” She ends up getting detention from Snape. She makes the Quiditch team. I don't know what rank. Then there is chapter six.
ORIGIN: In chapter three the glove is used so we find out “I got it the same way and moment you get your scar. […] Yes Ron, I was... And it was b extremely tramatic, I was only 2 and completely devestated.”
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She has been sorted into Gryffindor despite the fact she has yet to be a school. Being related to Gofric Gryffindor means you get special pyro powers at age sixteen. She can also do even cooler stuff ona broom then Harry Potter. To be exact... “They spotted the snitch at the same time and gave chase. Just as Vanessa was about to grab the snitch, a blugger struck her and she started to fall. Everyone gasped when they saw what happened next. […] Mid freefall, Vanessa whistled and her broom caught her. She then shot fire at the cannon ball sized projectile and desinegrated it. Then, she flew up and caught the snitch.”

NOTES: This Sue is bloody annoying... and the story has nothing to do with Power Rangers despite the fact it is supposed to be a crossover.


"Hi, name's Vanessa Shiba."' Said a very pretty girl with long black hair that went 3/4 down her back, and peircing sapphire blue eyes.

"Harry Potter, are you new here?" He asked.

She shook her head and said, "Stared last term."

Just then Ron and Hermione walked in. Ron noticed Vanessa and asked, "Who's she?"

Vanessa was about to reply when the door slid open to reveal her boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. "What now Draco?"

Instead of a reply Draco walked upto Vanessa, grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the corridor. Vanessa made sure the dsor was shut before yelling at her boyfriend. "What the hell Draco?" She was interupted by his lips to hers.

am - elemental magic, related to the potters, rating - awful, je - student (new to school), p - crossover

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