3359: The Hollow Boy - Harry Potter and Nagini

Nov 10, 2014 21:48

Don't forget about the fanfic contest. There are less then three months. I found this for the link of the day. The Flashback Sue for today is “Harry Potter and the Tears of a Shadow”.

TITLE: The Hollow Boy
PERPETRATOR: MadClairMaelstrom
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of their avatar which I believe is Lucious Malfoy.
SUMMARY:”Plagued by dreams of a ring, Harry grows his magic talent early, having noticed his powers. While at the zoo, he finds he can speak to a constrictor and he frees it. Things blow up from there... That's all I got so far. In progress, but I'm working on it. Man, I suck at summaries. This will change as I go on. !Back from the school induced hiatus!”
FULL NAME: Harry Potter, Nagini...
SPECIES: He's a child genius and she is a snake genius.
HAIR: “...with a mop of black hair in a perpetual mess...”
EYES: “But his most striking feature were his eyes. Large and an unnaturally bright green, they seemed to stare into your soul, laying your sins bare for him to see. He was always looking at the ground, avoiding peoples gazes, if only because his uncle would beat him if he didn't.”
MARKINGS: “...a thin face marred only by a thinner scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt.”
POSSESSIONS: Harry owns the snake from the zoo. (I'm sadly serious about this. He gets away with it because he is able to make said snake invisable.) What's really sad is said snake is named... dun-dun-dun... Nagini. (The last time I checked the snake at the zoo was male, but the writer changed it to female.)
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first part of the first chapter goes over how Harry is abused and how he discovers and controls his magic early on. The second part of the same chapter goes over how he has a dream and apparates to the place and is able to reattach his missing limbs. The third part is Harry purposefully releasing the snake and making said snake invisible to which the snake says, “You are very powerful”. He is able to put said snake in the trunk of the Dursley's car without a problem. Oh... wait... that's because he performed a shrinking charm on her as well. In the second chapter Nagini proceeds to tell him about the wizarding world and Voldemort. Harry decides “he could very well be this 'Boy-Who-Lived”. Without knowing Harry is Harry she tells him who the BWL is. He's then pissed at his relatives for not telling him the truth. Eventually he tells Nagini who he is and she is fine with it. I decided to stop reading here.
ORIGIN: The writer thought making Harry even more amazing would make for an interesting story.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Harry is able to control his magical abilities at a very young age and even knows that it is magic. Also... “he seemed to absorb information like a sponge, devouring books like his cousin Dudley did food.” Harry is able to do certain types of magic that would normally require a potion of some kind as wandless magic. Nagini doesn't know Harry's last name despite the fact his aunt is likely yelling it when ever she wants him to do something.

NOTES: I wish writers would realize that “devouring books” is not Harry Potter's thing. Making Harry lose limbs when he apparates at such a young age doesn't make him any less of a Gary Stu when he is able to reattach his own limbs when he splices himself.

I at first wasn't very amused with the story because it was just like all the other God-Mode!Harry stories out there. Then I found myself laughing at how impossible the story actually was. (I'm sorry writer... but the snake you claim to be Nagini is not Nagini no matter how much you claim it is.)


At first he could just move things, have them float to his hand if he wanted them. So he'd called it the force, like in a movie Dudley watched once on the telly. But quickly he started to do other things. Transforming rocks, making fire in his hand that didn't burn him, conjuring bubbles. He was pretty sure the force couldn't conjure bubbles. So, magic.

As soon as he'd reached that conclusion, that there was a kind of power inside him no one else had, he'd started to experiment. He could get the magic to do whatever he wanted. Just small things at first, but as he practiced his strength grew, and soon he was able to pop from one place to another and fly in the air. He also found, that if he thought hard enough, he could make people do things. Anything.

Not all the time, in order to keep control he needed to concentrate on them, keep thinking of things for them to do. But, it was still useful. He was no longer beat, he was able to eat like a normal child and he managed to scare them into giving him Dudley's second bedroom. So now on the outside, the Dursleys looked completely normal. The inside was very different, though.

The Dursleys hated Harry, and growing up Harry learned to hate them in return. He had even thought a few times what it would be like to kill them, but he knew he'd get in trouble if that happened. Plus, while the Dursleys were awful, being in an orphanage would be worse, so he tolerated them. But the day he could leave forever would the best day of his life.


It was just after Harry's seventh birthday that the dream had started.

It wasn't very detailed, a crumby ring laying in a shack, but the sight of the ring filled his little heart with longing like he'd never experienced in his short life. He wanted the ring, it felt like his very being, his soul, was crying for it.

But he didn't know how to get to it. He'd tried to teleport there, but he didn't know where 'there' was exactly, and he'd ended up losing his right foot and a pinkie, reappearing a foot from his starting point. He'd been able to reattach them, but he'd lost quite a bit of blood and had been anemic for days afterward.

That had taught him to try and teleport somewhere if he didn't know where it was. So he waited, thinking maybe the dream would expand and show him a sign of some sort. After his desire for the ring had calmed some with his decision to be patient, it stopped coming as frequently. Just often enough that he remembered the ring, and the desire for it was always in the back of his mind.

am - healing magic (non-canon), spot - nagini, rating - toxic, am - teleportation (non-canon), ap - academic pursuit, stu - harry potter, am - invisability (non-canon)

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