3360: Secrets Truth and Freedom - Bella Swan... but not Bella Swan

Nov 12, 2014 18:49

Don't forget about the fanfic contest. For the link of the day... can I emphasize the contest for the link of the day? I think I will. Flashback Sue is Hermione... daughter of Voldemort.

TITLE: Secrets, Truth, and Freedom
PERPETRATOR: DebraWhitlock87
COVER/BANNER ART: It is a clip of their avatar who happens to be a character from tWilight.
SUMMARY:”Summary inside.” Why? The summary the writer wrote actually fits into the box if they cut out the “read and find out” part. The summary is ”Isabella is really a Fae and is also the daughter of Lily Evans and Severus Snape as well as Harry Potter's half-sister. Isabella discovers that she is Aro's mate and not Edward's very early of the wedding. She quickly packs and when she is ready to leave Albus Dumbledore shows up with an important offer to ask her. Will she accept Albus offer? Will she ever get to Aro? Read and find out.”
FULL NAME: Isabella “Bella” Swan/Lady Isabella Lily Snape
SPECIES: See summary. Bella is also the new DADA teacher.
HAIR: n/a
EYES: “...now dark violet eyes, to human black eyes”.
POSSESSIONS: She has a sixth year DADA book. Apparently that is all she needs to teach DADA despite the fact she is teaching years one through seven. Suddenly there is worry about the Cullen family joining the order and that if this happens “you'll need to have your soul mate close by.” She apparates to Italy to get Aro.
CONNECTION TO CANON: The first chapter opens up with her getting the job to teach DADA. Dumbledore congradulates her on finding her vampire mate.
ORIGIN: See sample.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: She is called Lady Snape. “And yes a Fae can become a vampire if they choose.” (In other words a Fae can become even more of a Mary Sue if they want to.” Her patronus is a dragon as well.

NOTES: I couldn't get very far as there is no real plot. The story consists of showing off how awesome Bella happens to be without her doing anything significant, dialogue that tells the characters things they don't need to know that eventually ends up repetitive and the writer changing the rules of both canons.

This is why I had the fanfic contest for this year be what it is.


I awoke with a start from a nightmare. I hadn't had that nightmare in years. And when Aro told me that he was 'addicted' to me. I've heard that before or perhaps I read it somewhere I got up and went to my old school trunk and got out my sixth year DADA textbook, and turned to the chapter on Vampires. I read the chapters until I read the part were vampires are addicted to someone. I go back to see what section this is in. It's was the section on soul mates. I decided to go to the section on 'blood singers' and read that section. Vampires would describe their 'singer' as a drug.

That's when I realized I wasn't Edward's soul mate, I was Aro's. I had to leave and quickly before Edward or Alice decided to show up. I quickly packed; just as I was shrinking my trunk I heard a soft pop. I realized it was someone apparating. Looking out the window I see that it's only Albus Dumbledore. Well, it must be important if he's seeking me out. I thought to myself as I put my shrunken trunk in the pocket of my robes. I quickly went to Charlie's room and erase every memory he has of me. And then I went outside to find out what Albus wanted.

"It must be very important if you're seeking me out Albus. What do you need, and does my father know you're here?" I asked.

"Ah, so much like your father Miss. Snape. Always straight to the point, and yes the reason I'm seeking you out is important. I am hoping you will teach DADA this year as well as train the DA." Albus replied.

"Sure, I'll teach DADA, but what's the DA?" I replied/asked.

rating - awful, p - hino (harry/hermione in name only), p - crossover

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