WHAT? Bad fan fiction. Or at least bad premises.
WHO? All of the lesbian minions, and anybody else who wants to participate!
WHERE? The Pit of Voles.
WHEN? August 1, 2014 to January 31, 2015. (I have a reason for the long time frame for this particular contest.)
WHY? Because, as loyal minions we should show our abilities off, and we frequent this journal because we both love, and love to hate Mary-Sues. Links to our previous contest announcements can be found in the Suechives.
HOW? I assign a theme, and you write really bad fan fiction. It doesn't have to be bad, but we all know that if a fic is written poorly it will still get lots of reviews. You can make it a serious attempt, with proper punctuation, grammar, and canon. You can make it filled with plot holes, cliched, and OOC. It can be a crossover or AU, it doesn't matter. As long as the rules are followed it will be fine. :) I do want to mention that there are a lot more "sporkers" on fanfiction.net now, so if you make it an obvious troll then you won't get the reviews you need to win.
The rules are as follows:
Fics must be posted on the Pit of Voles, sometime between Autgust , 2014 to Janur1, 2015. You have a maximum of four months in which to collect reviews. Fics posted before September 1 will be disqualified. I'm not picky about time zones, so as long as the 'published on' date on The Pit says it was August 1 where you are, that's fine.
You don't have to finish the fic. Heck, you don't have to post more than a single chapter if you don't want to. If though you finish the fic and want to start a sequel during the competition time send in that link as well. Don't though create such short stories chapter length wise that you annoy the other members of the pit. Don't make me regret allowing sequels started during the time frame in.
You don't have to post them under your own username. I'm not that cruel. You can co-author a story with someone, however, it must be posted under one account.
The winning writer will be the one with the most signed, positive reviews per chapter. So a one-chapter fic with 12 reviews will beat a two-chapter one with 13. Since the pit added favorites and alerts I may depending on the number of entries have categories for that as well.
You cannot anywhere on your profile page or in the fic itself note that this is for a contest or a troll. People who like it have to like it because they like that sort of thing. I can't stop you, but please don't provide a link in your livejournal. If you get a bunch of your friends on your friends list to read and review it's cheating, and that's not fair.
Email me the URL of your story. If I don't know where it is, I can't include it in the judging. My email is pottersues@gmail.com OR pottersues@hotmail.com. Or you can send it in through LJ. Make sure to title your post “Eleventh Annual Pottersues Fanfic Contest”. This way I can easily find the entries when I go to check my e-mail.
Theme: Twilight ~ When I've gone to search for crossovers I tend to find a lot of Twilight crossovers as this fandom. Twilight is in fact has the most stories crossed over with Harry Potter. Unfortunately, as I and other minions have discovered the Twilight fanfics are lacking in the basic story element of plot. So this brings us to the actual premise of this years competition.
Mission: The mission of this years competitors is to write Twilight fics that actually have plot to them and to be as imaginative as possible. The idea is to expose some of the younger Twilight fans to an element missing from their stories. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to write a good fic. The characters can be out of character and the conflict unbelievable.
Bonus: Each person can have up to three stories for the Twilight fandom. The first has to be a crossover though with Harry Potter, while the second and third have to be a non-crossover and the other a crossover with a different fandom of your choice.
Prize: The winners get to pick out themed weeks, so start thinking of the ones you would like and your order of preference. The numbers of themed weeks chosen will depend on number of contestants.
Note I misspelled the title on purpose.