3305: Lupin's Daughter - Kathryn Lupin

Sep 03, 2014 21:37

Here is day five. The Flashback Sues covers only number 57. Don't forget about the fanfic contest.
Today we have A Random Compilation of Randon Mary Sue Rants. Take it as you will.

TITLE: Lupin's Daughter
PERPETRATOR: Serene Lunar Echo (Hey... it's better then sailorsunandchildofthesun, which is what the writer had before.)
COVER/ ( Read more... )

rating - toxic, pc - spechul witch spechul title, je - student (new to school), related to remus

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Comments 1

beacon80 September 4 2014, 15:36:15 UTC
Almost every member of the jury was a real death eater except two. The two people in the jury were friends of my mother and father but that didn't help at all.
Wow, that's not how juries work... not even a little.


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