3305: Lupin's Daughter - Kathryn Lupin

Sep 03, 2014 21:37

Here is day five. The Flashback Sues covers only number 57. Don't forget about the fanfic contest.
Today we have A Random Compilation of Randon Mary Sue Rants. Take it as you will.

TITLE: Lupin's Daughter
PERPETRATOR: Serene Lunar Echo (Hey... it's better then sailorsunandchildofthesun, which is what the writer had before.)
COVER/BANNER ART: Despite the fact this Suethor was featured all the way back in 2003 there is actually cover art for this one being the writer's avatar... which happens to be a bunch of Autumn leaves and their cat.
SUMMARY:”Harry must help Remus's daughter, defeat Voldemort and still survive sixth year. New Chappie, Voldie poo,and mad escape plots. OOtp spoilers.”
FULL NAME: Kathryn Lupin
SPECIES: She is Remus daughter from America. Scratch that! She's from “a small town in England”.
HAIR: blonde
EYES: Probably the same as the other entry.
POSSESSIONS: "Oh, chaos is a very small cat. Tiny, in fact she gets along with other pets and most people. She won't even be here a day, she is going to the school to stay with the games keeper while I am here. Could someone taking me shopping tomorrow; I only need one person to come with me. How about you?"
CONNECTION TO CANON: Kathryn randomly shows up claiming to be an exchange student. Mr. Vernon says he didn't sign up for any such program and she says, “I beg to differ sir, I was assigned this house to stay in. While I stay here, you will be paid for accommodating me.” So he lets her stay. Harry thinks he has a new friend. Second chapter rolls around and Harry's finally thinking about her being Lupin's niece possibly, something he should have asked the night before. She then gushes about how he really doesn't want to be a hero. She starts to read his palm and Harry jerks his hand away because he doesn't want her to know more personal stuff and she bawls her head off saying “How dare you speak to me like that! All I was trying to do is understand how you felt when your godfather died and all you do is go and yell at me.” Harry of course backs down and she tells him her sob story and Harry hugs her. Eventually she introduces Harry to her father who he already knows and he tells her “I see my daughter needs to remember her manners,” for something he would have said it for.
ORIGIN: The best way to put this is the Suethor got a negative review on the previous story and scratched it completely. She ended up reading the fifth book and a few days later decided to recycle the old story by rewriting it attempting to make changes that would cover complaints, like her being an exchange student from America. She didn't though solve the real problems with the original storyline. In fact... she's still asking people who she should pair people up with. "When I was twelve, my family went on a trip for the ministry of magic because my mother was an Auror. We were gone two weeks, when we came back we found our house in ruins. Everything had been destroyed. We found out that terrible rumours had been spread about my mother being a death eater. My mother had to go to trial and guess what? Almost every member of the jury was a real death eater except two. The two people in the jury were friends of my mother and father but that didn't help at all. My mother was found guilty and guess what her sentence was? She had to walk through that veil. […] I watched as my mother walked up to the veil. She turned and looked at me and said ' It's not your fault'. She ran into the veil and never came back. When I went to what was left of my home, no one was there to say 'it will be alright' or 'it's okay'. My father had disappeared and now I was on my own. I had no family, so I was sent to the nearest magical boarding school, which is not Hogwarts, but a small school called Maple Ridge Academy. I made no friends there because of who I was. That went on for three years. Last year I received a letter from an unknown person saying that Lord Voldemort had risen and I was to help defeat him. Think, a fifteen year old helping to defeat the world's second most powerful wizard. I just threw the letter out and went on with my life. Then last summer, I found out that I had a Godmother and I went to stay with her. That only lasted a couple of weeks, but it was a blast. My Godmother enrolled me into Hogwarts and I could only attend this year because it took a year to be accepted. That's why I am here standing in front of you"
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Nobody questions that there may be some kind of mistake. Nobody brings up the fact that exchange students you know... come from outside of the country. Harry doesn't recognize the last name and has to ask what school she'll be going to. She can palm read. When the Sue is wrong she is right. Oh... and she's allowed to sleep in Harry Potters room.

NOTES: The writer claims not only that this story was their first non-anime crossover that really isn't a crossover and that since it is their first Harry Potter fanfic so please don't flame them. The truth actually is that this is the second one, the first having been deleted before this one was posted? The evidence? This one was published in June 24, 2003 and yet one of the previous Pottersues featured the other one prior to this date. Some Suethor's ask why an exception can't be made for their first stories and this is one of the reasons. People can easily lie about these kinds of things.

This wasn't the only dishonest thing the writer did though. The writer pretty much says, “hey... beware the spoilers in this story for the fifth book... Sirius is dead”. *cough* The fifth book had only been out for three days. I only got through the first chapter and a half before the entry began to get lengthy, so feel free to read and comment about other things on this one.

The reviews are interesting on this one. On the first chapter there is the complaint about the spoiler, her friend piping up about “don't make me a klutz”, one thinking she should be paired with Harry and Draco as well as torture Snape. Then there is the one that says they would rather have the pairing between Draco and Harry and have Kathryn axed from the plotline. One of the reviews points out that the summary originally indicated she was both Remus and Harry's daughter. Or they really did misread it.


Hey. I was thinking that this is going to be a Harry potter story. I am using an idea I got over night. Okay and just to let you know now I am adding a new character. She is going to be found in the first chapter. And this is my first non-anime crossover. Heck it's not even a crossover. Well on with the story, but first a few pointers

This takes place after the 5th book. And don't read if you haven't read it, it's got spoilers for the fifth book. Another note, I am bringing Sirius back from the dead. Okay.

This is during Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts. Ron and Hermione are going out. Please don't flame me and another thing, some people are going to be out of character so you might not like okay.

Love my readers Child of the sun


Harry was going to go insane. He had just started his essay for the greasy haired git, Snape's class: 101 uses for leeches and fungus in ever day brewing. Thinking to himself, Harry wondered if using the memory charm on Snape would work. Harry was to deep into thought to hear the doorbell ring. *Ding*

Harry snapped out of his thoughts in time to hear his fat uncle yell up the stairs for him to get the door.

"Yes uncle" said Harry automatically.

Harry walked down the stairs to see his uncle right beside the door. Rolling his eyes at how lazy a certain uncle was Harry opened the door, expecting one of Dudley's friends. Harry was quite surprised to find a blonde girl standing in front of him.

"Hello, I am the student from the exchange program. I am looking for Mr. Dursley, is he here?" asked the girl looking at a piece of paper she was holding. Harry nodded not knowing what to do.

"Well, who is it boy?" asked Vernon. "It's a student from the exchange program," answered Harry not knowing if this girl was suicidal trying to stay here. Vernon flung the door open to look at the girl with his little black eyes. " I didn't sign up for any program," said Vernon looking down at the girl. "I beg to differ sir, I was assigned this house to stay in. While I stay here, you will be paid for accommodating me," replied the girl sternly.

At the sound of being paid, Vernon's attitude changed. He opened the door and took the bag from the girl. Handing the trunk to Harry he welcomed the girl in.

rating - toxic, pc - spechul witch spechul title, je - student (new to school), related to remus

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