0057: Harry potter and the oracle of gryfindorter - Kathryn

May 31, 2003 21:00

The Author's Notes alone are terrifying...

TITLE: Harry potter and the oracle of gryfindorter
PERPETRATOR: sailorsunandchildofthesun

SUE-O-METER: (how bad is it?)

FULL NAME: Kathryn (also the author's name)
SPECIES: Human/Witch
HAIR: "golden color blonde hair that went down to the floor in a French braid, tied with a silver ribbon"
EYES: "Kathryn's eyes were a deep vivid aqua blue."
POSESSIONS: Teenybopper clothes: "She wore a black denim skirt that stopped 3 inches above her knees, a silver halter-top that tied in the back. She wore knee high black boots. Her jacket was a long black one."

ORIGIN: An American (naturally). Used to go to wizard school there, but her parents are dead so she was sent, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, to live with the Dursleys. Where have we heard this before?
CONNECTIONS TO CANON: Is going to be 'paired' with somebody. We don't know who yet. The author wants votes.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: none so far, but my eyes were watering by the end of the second chapter.

NOTES: The author wants votes on who to pair her Sue with! Votes! *runs out of room in tears*


Hey. I was thinking that this is going to be a Harry potter story. I am using an idea I got over night. Okay and just to let you know now I am adding a new character. She is going to be found in the first chapter. And this is my first non-anime crossover. Heck it's not even a crossover. Well on with the story, but first a few pointers

This is during Harry's 6th year at Hogwarts. Ron and hermione are going out. And Oliver wood is going to be in seventh year. I sort of need him in my story.

Disclaimer: I do not own (A.N. *sniff* I wish) Harry potter but I do own my character(s).


On with the story,

Chapter one.

Harry potter was bored. He was more than bored; he was extremely bored. He was in his 6th year at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. Harry glanced over at the clock. It read 3: 45am. 'This is just great. I turn 16 and I don't even notice. Just great' he thought sarcastically. Harry looked out the window hoping that hedwig would return soon. He had sent his friends Ron and hermione a letter telling them to meet him at Diagon Alley on August 2, to go shopping for their school supplies. Harry had gotten his supplies letter today at breakfast. That was a breakfast no one could forget.


Aunt petunia had been staring out the kitchen window spying on the new neighbours, which had moved yesterday. Aunt petunia had been wearing a long black turtleneck, which Harry thought made her look like an undersized giraffe. Uncle Vernon was wearing a sweater that looked like something got caught in the blender. Luckily Dudley had been sent summer school for failing whatever grade he was in. (A.N. a hahahahahahahah. Think about it, Dudley is supposed to be the gifted one, in his parent's eyes.) "Boy get over here," yelled an extremely fat uncle Vernon. "Yes sir" replied Harry walking over to his uncle. "You listen here boy, tomorrow I am going to be going to pick up a new foster child. I am going to go get one so she can help your aunt with the house chores when you are gone. Yes I did say she. You make sure she follows your aunt orders when I'm gone, or she'll end up like you before you went to that freak place," with that uncle Vernon got up from the table and walked out the kitchen door. 'Okay that was weird' thought Harry. "Boy" screeched aunt petunia "today I want you to clean the Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh," screamed aunt petunia. Harry turned just in time to see hedwig land on top of the counter with a letter in her mouth. Harry walked over to hedwig, rubbed her back and got the letter. Aunt petunia looked at the bird with disgust. She picked up the broom and was about to hit hedwig, when hedwig turned around and picked up the broom herself. Hedwig then proceeded to hit aunt petunia over the head with her own broom. Harry was trying not to laugh, but was not succeeding. After a few minutes hedwig left and Harry ran upstairs not wanting to feel the wrath of his aunt. (A.N. Look out is Petuniazilla) Harry opened his door and looked at his list of book for his sixth year.

Dear Mr. Potter

You will be requiring the following books

The standard book of spells, grade 6 by Miranda Goshawk

Potions brewing of intermediate wizards by Mary-gold honey

The list just went on.

~~ End flashback~~

Harry couldn't believe it, he had forgotten about the foster child that was coming today. 'I feel so sorry for her' thought Harry. With that Harry closed his window slightly and went back to sleep.

~~That morning~~

"Boy get the hell up," someone yelled on the other side of the door. Harry looked at the clock. It read 9:30 am. Harry rubbed his eyes. "Boy get up now," yelled what sounded like a dying cat. "I'm up," yelled Harry. Harry got up and changed into a black pair of kakis and turtleneck sweater. (A.N. *Drool*) Harry opened his door and walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Aunt petunia was over sitting down at the table. Harry then realized that someone was missing. "Where's uncle Vernon?" asked Harry. "He went to go get the new kid" petunia replied without even looking up. "When will they be back?" he questioned one more time. "Stop asking questions. And they will be here any minuet" yelled aunt petunia. As aunt petunia finished the sentence a yell was heard from the front door. "Boy come and help me now or I'll." uncle Vernon did not finish his sentence because what sounded like a melodic voice came to Harry's ears. "No, that's all right. I'll take them." Harry walked or more like ran out of the kitchen and into the hallway, only to stop dead in his tracks. Harry had to be staring at the most beautiful girl in the world. "Hello, you must be Harry. I'm Kathryn. It's a pleasure to meet you" smiled Kathryn. Kathryn had long golden color blonde hair that went down to the floor in a French braid, tied with a silver ribbon. Kathryn's eyes were a deep vivid aqua blue. She wore a black denim skirt that stopped 3 inches above her knees, a silver halter-top that tied in the back. She wore knee high black boots. Her jacket was a long black one. "Boy take these up to her room," ordered uncle Vernon, who tossed the bags at Harry. "No, I will take them up" coolly replied Kathryn, grabbing one of her bags. "Well I'll help and show you where your room is," offered Harry. She nodded her head. After walking up the stairs with her four bags, Harry showed her, her room. Unfortunately, Harry and Kathryn shared a room together. "Sorry about having to share a room" apologized Harry. "That's alright. I don't mind sharing. Even better it's with the boy who lived" devilishly smiled Kathryn. Let's just saw Harry was shocked.


Review and tell me whom you want Kathryn paired with. Or review and tell me if you like it.

This is me going bye bye. *Turns around and walks into a wall* "Ouch, look at all the little snitches mommy"


rating - awful, pc - spechul witch spechul title, e - american

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