
Dec 29, 2011 15:02

So here's what's been going on with our little furry terrorist... if you've got experience with cats and could offer any advice, I'd appreciate your two cents on this.

The fundamental question being, is my vet a moron? )

swamp rabbit

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Comments 18

sihaya09 December 29 2011, 21:32:48 UTC
I have absolutely no clue about the cause of your problem, but perhaps Nutri-cal will help you keep some weight on him while you figure this out? You can usually get it at the pet store-- it comes in a toothpaste-like tube, and is stinky, smelly, and full of calories and nutrients. When my cats get sick, we get some because it is apparently like candy for cats and fattens 'em up pretty good. It's what brought Noxman back from the brink of starvation when we got him. You just squeeze a little out and feed it-- Nox likes to lick it right out of our hands.

I personally can't figure out why they prescribed him prednisone without also prescribing an appetite stimulant. You'd think that'd be a total duh for a cat like yours.


sihaya09 December 29 2011, 21:39:31 UTC
(I know prednisone usually is a mild stimulant, but for finicky cats, it can cancel appetite out completely. Back when Olive was on prednisone, she needed an additional appetite stimulant or else she'd only eat kitty treats.)


sihaya09 December 29 2011, 21:41:48 UTC
Also, sorry to leave you a bajillion comments, but did they ever specifically test his thyroid? And how are his kidneys? Is he peeing normally?


raincitygirl December 29 2011, 21:46:33 UTC
Make sure they checked his thyroid.


kita0610 December 29 2011, 22:06:43 UTC
I'm emailing my sister and I will get back to u ASAP.


ragingpixie December 29 2011, 22:21:33 UTC
Forwarding this to my vet who is board certified in feline medicine.


ragingpixie December 30 2011, 06:49:24 UTC
Okay, her reply, word for word ( ... )


wyoluvr December 29 2011, 23:13:54 UTC
what do you feed him? a change in diet, particularly one sans grain, might at least help his general appetite problems.

i've had 3 diff. vets look at xander for his whole "i wish to lick all the skin off my belly and legs" problem and not ONE said anything about food allergies. i know many awesome vets...tragically, i haven't actually had a good vet for my furry beast.


raincitygirl December 29 2011, 23:47:37 UTC
Yeah, my old cat perked up immeasurably after I switched him to a grain-free diet. He used to overgroom terribly and would sometimes scratch himself bloody. The skin/fur problems magically cleared up within ten days of him going onto the grain-free diet. The only thing was I had to feed him a bit less than I was used to feeding him, because grain-free food has fewer fillers and more calories.

Please note that yes, he is my "old" cat in that yes, he's dead. But he died at 13 years of age, of something totally unrelated to the grain-free food he was eating.


wyoluvr December 30 2011, 00:08:48 UTC
yeah, xander's skin problems got MUCH better (though not totally fine, probably due to his rather nervous disposition) by feeding him a grain-free diet and he was a bit calmer overall.


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