Sherlock would have been better with dinosaurs

Aug 01, 2010 23:53

I find myself in a mope, internet. For various reasons. So I'm going to repoint you to this meme and spare you the usual flocked "no one really likes me" rant. Instead, I will talk about Sherlock.

Spoilers for 1x02 )


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Comments 14

leiascully August 2 2010, 04:29:18 UTC
Kait, you are my herd, okay.


pocky_slash August 2 2010, 06:46:53 UTC
Oh my god, I just flashed back to like, 2003. Incredible.

I'm glad I'm your herd, even though I am not really good at lots of things ♥ ♥ ♥


leiascully August 6 2010, 16:54:00 UTC
You are good at all the things. Search your feelings. You know it to be true. ♥ ♥ ♥


shala August 2 2010, 04:47:46 UTC
I was disappointed, too. Loved most of the character moments, loved some other things, but a lot of the plot made me angryface. Too much felt like "Look at these crazy Orientals!" to me. (This includes the beginning fight, though the fights were neat character-wise.) Fine for Conan Doyle to do 100+ years ago, not so much now.

Shall go back to reading the blogs and reading fanfic if there's anything new. Have you read the blogs? Because the comment sections on John's are hilarious.


pocky_slash August 2 2010, 06:47:33 UTC
I haven't read the blogs or anything. Maybe I will eventually? Probably not.


shala August 2 2010, 16:44:01 UTC
John's blog especially is worth it for a) Harry harassing him, b) Mrs. Hudson using Mrs. Turner next door's internet to post comments, and c) the exchange between Sherlock and John about watching James Bond movies, which then continues on into a thread in Sherlock's forum in which he makes fun of the movie.

Here, handy easily clicked links!
The Science of Deduction
The Personal Blog of Doctor John H. Watson

And then there are a few other in-universe sites. Molly Hooper, that morgue attendant with a crush on Sherlock, also has one.


kel_reiley August 2 2010, 05:28:47 UTC
HAH i loved him yelling at the U-scan (b/c i do that), but yeah this ep was lacking - i don't even care about the "mysteries" i just want them to give me interesting characters


pocky_slash August 2 2010, 06:49:41 UTC
My nine million years of working behind a counter have left me with IRRATIONAL ANGER towards people who can't use self-checkout, and I hope that John Watson will inspire me to show patience towards them from now on. Because even when he can't use a scanner, I still love his fucking face. #predictable

I really felt like they were going somewhere with the money and the bank and the checks and Watson needing a job, but it just... fizzled out. Sigh. GIVE ME MORE ABOUT HOLMES AND WATSON, DUDES.


kel_reiley August 2 2010, 07:27:45 UTC
yeah, i was hoping they'd delve more into the living situation and watson's therapy and stuff

having worked as a cashier myself, i know ALL ABOUT irritating customers - i just like to yell at the u-scan voice, b/c OMG SHUT UP I KNOW MY RECEIPT IS WAITING AND I WILL PICK UP MY FUCKING BAGS WHEN I AM FUCKING READY! i do only tend to use it, though, when i am paying in ALL CHANGE b/c i like to get rid of my change all at once and i can just feed it into the thing like a vending machine that gives me groceries instead of gumballs


dremiel August 2 2010, 14:01:38 UTC
This makes me really wish I could draw because I love the image of you putting your small change into a machine and turning the crank and orange...loaf of bread...eggs!


dremiel August 2 2010, 13:59:34 UTC
Me? All I did was demand that you drop what you were doing and entertain me on a boring road trip. You're the one who did it, sweets!

Also, Yay you're writing crackfic!

Also, also...thank you, again. You made me grin like an IDIOT!


dremiel August 2 2010, 14:13:43 UTC
I won't have time to watch until late this afternoon but MAN the quickest way to bypass my default live and let live attitude is to be a fucktard at the self check out. I wanna scream "put it in the damned bag!" or some such. It's not like they HAVE to use the self-check out...if it freaks you out or defeats you JUST DON'T USE IT...or use it when there are not a zillion people in line behind you and you can be as slow as you want and learn the system.


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