Sherlock would have been better with dinosaurs

Aug 01, 2010 23:53

I find myself in a mope, internet. For various reasons. So I'm going to repoint you to this meme and spare you the usual flocked "no one really likes me" rant. Instead, I will talk about Sherlock.

Spoilers for 1x02 )


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Comments 14

brienze August 2 2010, 14:32:04 UTC
I was blaming it on being not!Moffat... the character interactions just didn't have the same spark. I thought the first ep did an excellent job of diffusing any notion of Holmes/Watson, and I was happy to see whatshername along so it was the three of them interacting (kind of how I love having a married couple as the Doctor's companions)... but it just wasn't as high-energy as it should have been.

Plus, there was no awesome knitwear, which is a crime. I may have to go back and see if any details of Holmes's dark scarf can actually be seen.


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