
Apr 21, 2010 16:49

links from mirrormargaret, anahcrow, mactavish and dolphingirl

boyfriend doesn't have ebola (probably) this has an excellent newly realized pain chart - Ande showed me that first, and then the next morning Margs showed me this link that shows its conception. my friends are (a) awesome and (2) think alike even if they don't know each other.

if you live in the bay area (or know someone Read more... )

who fandom eeted my brainz, knitting, pain, my friends are awesome

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Comments 10

nightdog_barks April 21 2010, 23:58:17 UTC

Heh. That's the link I almost posted this morning. Because GIANT SCOTTISH SCORPION, YO.


burgundy April 22 2010, 00:04:06 UTC
The National Security Fat Risk thing amuses me a bit, in a bitter sort of way, but if it actually results in kids getting better food (and schools less likely to cut phys ed programs/recess time) then I think that would be swell. I am profoundly creeped out by looking at children only in terms of cannon fodder resources, and of course I am suspicious of anything that looks like another round of Shame the Fatties, but I'm also appalled by how we fund and manage school nutrition, so...


phinnia April 22 2010, 00:19:37 UTC
You pretty much summed up my feelings with this comment. :)


maladaptive April 22 2010, 00:24:00 UTC
I've got serious qualms with that study on ADD, since it's really for impulsive behavior, which isn't across the spectrum (but it's the most disruptive to others symptom, and I worry that just treating that won't get at the underlying problems). For a LOT of people with ADD, the trouble isn't only the impulsive behavior, it's the ability to focus, and behavioral awards probably won't help you sit down, stay sitting, and listen.

Also, what the hell, that test doesn't relate at ALL to ADD. Why not try it in a school-ish setting (and the impulse to get the wrong color alien? WTF? ADD isn't a contrarian impulse!)

I also wonder how this meshes with new theories that it's related to an auditory processing disorder (which I also take issue with, because how does that explain why I write better while medicated?)


hobbitblue April 22 2010, 01:11:01 UTC has vids of pretty much anything you need (even three needle bind off, wow..)


fayanora April 22 2010, 01:17:15 UTC
I dunno if the Catholic Church would allow a fictional character to be made into a Saint, but the Discordian Anti-Church has no problem with it. The only prerequisite for becoming a Discordian Saint is you have to suffer (which everyone does anyway). You don't even have to be dead or real.


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