
Apr 21, 2010 16:49

links from mirrormargaret, anahcrow, mactavish and dolphingirl

boyfriend doesn't have ebola (probably) this has an excellent newly realized pain chart - Ande showed me that first, and then the next morning Margs showed me this link that shows its conception. my friends are (a) awesome and (2) think alike even if they don't know each other.

if you live in the bay area (or know someone who does) and want a gorgeous older lab, click here in my next life, i want to be one of Mary's dogs. <3

promiscuous women cause earthquakes, Iran cleric says REALLY. Um.

ten quick facts about Roald Dahl i LOVE him. <3

website devoted to knitting authentic Fourth Doctor scarf

behavioural rewards work the same way as drugs on the brains of kids with ADD

day care centers too quick to send mildly ill kids home A-FUCKING-MEN. And schools, too. Seriously, it's really good to have actual medical validation on this, because that sort of stuff drives me CRAZY. Not that I think it'll do much. But it is nice to know I'm right, anyway.

proposal: electing The Doctor as England's new patron saint HELL YES.

school lunches called a national security threat oh for *headdesk*'s SAKE HOW STUPID IS THAT REALLY. Of course this is all about TEH FAT ZOMG when you read it - just - WHAT -*ARGH* *headdesk**headdesk*

a cast is to be made from tracks of a two meter long prehistoric scorpion TWO METERS LONG SCORPION WHAT. If you need me, I'll be hiding under the bed in case that thing comes BACK. AUGH.

new caledonian crows can use up to three tools in succession in order to obtain a treat how cool is that? crows are awesome.

Today I: had a math test (did pretty okay, I think). had therapy (both types) and watched eat drink man woman, which is marvelous. Also I knitted the sole of one baby bootie (no, they're not for me, i'm not pregnant (godforbid), they're for a friend's baby) but I've forgotten how to bind off and I'm going to have to find a Youtube or something to refresh my memory.

And I owe myself a banana split. I didn't have time to get one before my PT (plus it was kind of cold and rainy.)

how are you?

who fandom eeted my brainz, knitting, pain, my friends are awesome

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