JE/NewS- "Five Times NewS Members Save Massu from Recommen"

Feb 23, 2008 16:24

Title: Five Times NewS Members Save Massu from Recommen
Universe: JE/ NewS
Theme/Topic: What might have happened if other NewS members had been there with Massu that night.
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: NewSxMassu (Yokoyama and Murakami cameos and mention of Matchy)
Warnings/Spoilers: Stupidity, OOC, me being too sensitive probably.
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matchy, koyama, je, murakami, massu, yamapi, news, tegoshi, shige, yokoyama, ryo, kanjani 8

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Comments 111

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peroxide_fic February 24 2008, 07:01:29 UTC
LOL SERIOUSLY RIGHT? Massu is like the ONE member of NewS that can't stand up for himself against them. I think ALL OF THE OTHERS, including Koyama would have been able to navigate around that stupid subject.

BUT DUDE, so happy you came with me to the NewS side; totally eating my brain and it's fun to have people who understand where I've come from and what has happened to me.

Hope to hear from you again!


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peroxidepest17 February 24 2008, 07:20:29 UTC
LOL I watched Nobuta before I watched My Boss My Hero but it was totally Tegoshi that yanked me into JE; I remember seeing him and thinking that I'd never seen a real life person be THAT CUTE before in my life. It was mind boggling, I had to know more. HE KIND OF HYPNOTIZES YOU.


zombiecide February 24 2008, 01:01:37 UTC
I just hope I didn't wake up anyone with my laughter ... especially the Koyama one is so great!


peroxidepest17 February 24 2008, 07:02:40 UTC
Koyama is like, a strange genius of diffusing tension. I THINK HE IS AMAZING.


zombiecide February 24 2008, 12:25:56 UTC
I want a Koyama icon now that reads 'actually he's the genius'. :)
(I really like to watch him interact with all of his colleagues, and I admire the way he seemingly doesn't need to win or be in the spotlight.)


peroxidepest17 February 24 2008, 17:12:38 UTC
And yet they count on him to be in the spotlight a lot anyway by letting him talk during interviews and MC. It's kind of sweet how they use each other's strengths to a group advantage like that, and how Koyama tries to let everyone talk in turn. It's like he's nurturing them to speak up slowly over time. OH KOYAMAMA.


chrysan February 24 2008, 02:21:07 UTC
Wah. That was really mean to Massu. Especially when they know that he's the laid-back type that doesn't really know how to argue or be forceful... But then again, that's men for you.

EVERYONE who saves Massu in this fic is cool beyond words in their own way, but my fav.s have to be Tegoshi's, Koyama's and Ryo's. XDDDDDDDDDD


peroxidepest17 February 24 2008, 07:03:50 UTC
Apparently even men who don't know Yoko and Hina didn't like that; I showed it to my friend Greg and he basically said that the two of them are assholes and bullies. I GUESS IT'S JUST THEM? *clueless*

Haha Koyama's was def. the funnest to write. XD


yokolovesfood February 27 2008, 20:58:51 UTC
LOL because Greg = all men in the universe. Seriously did you even listen to the whole recording? that one small bit that was translated was all you saw and apparently poor massu ran crying home to his mommy? Yoko uses tongue in cheek humor and just like on Heyx3 or Utaban the guests on recommen are always teased or made fun of. Especially news members. Koyashige was on last year and they were teased too. what's funny is i think they are all bothered 302828 times less than any of you oversensitive fangirls who dont even KNOW the context behind anything and just want to create a fuss over what? a crass joke?
and now Yoko = ULTIMATE EVIL. Honestly I feel bad for massu, because his fangirls see him as a such a weak and pitiful person as to be so affected by such minor things. believe it or not in japanese there are WAYS to say things that make it obvious if it's a joke or not. If you knew it and bothered to listen to the whole thing you might know that.


tacchon February 24 2008, 02:48:02 UTC
Oh gosh. They all saved Massu! Yay! If only... x] But I think I like Yamapi's method the most. It was the coolest. XDDD


peroxidepest17 February 24 2008, 07:04:16 UTC
Haha like Shige said, all he has to do is be there. XD


tacchon February 24 2008, 17:56:28 UTC
Shige is so right. XDDD


ayumwu February 24 2008, 02:51:42 UTC
I BURIED MY FACE IN MY HANDS WHEN I READ THE TRANSLATION OF THAT WEEK'S RECOMEN. >< YOKOHINA ARE TERRIBLE. I was just like, oh god Yoko, you don't go and ask whether someone's mother's boobs are big! *slaps Yoko*

I loved how the rest of NEWS activate their almighty member-ai.

1. I loved how Shige just bombarded them with big words and confused the heck out of YokoHina. They're stupid, we all know that2. ALL HAIL TEGOSHI FOR HIS ALMIGHTY CUTE FACE. BECAUSE MAKING TEGO CRY IS LIKE ILLEGAL. And face it, no one can beat Tegoshi's pouts. It's, just. GAH. Tego is amazing. Period ( ... )


peroxidepest17 February 24 2008, 07:05:24 UTC
LOL I wanted to slap him too. I think the worst part was him making sure that she was listening; THAT was especially low. I kind of used to like him a little too. NOW I FEEL LIKE IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME LEARNING HIS NAME. Give me those ten minutes of my life back, plz. Maybe I'll make drummer-guy my favorite non-NewS K8 member. He seems relaxed. XD


ayumwu February 24 2008, 18:03:54 UTC
*flails* OHKURA! HAHA, MY #1. XDDDDD

Yeah, I know...Massu must've been mortified. Lol, I hate Yoko for this and I hate Hina even more for not stopping him, but Yoko's still my #2. I probably won't even consider him as boyfriend material (actually, I never did XD)

But yeah, that was really low. Wonder if anybody will go and complain to JE that Yoko needs to be warned because of this...I mean, Koda Kumi had the same thing come to her NO, I DID NOT MEAN TO JINX. *prays*


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