Fic: The Werewolf Diaries (Day 60-68/100 days)

Jan 13, 2008 12:41

Fic: The Werewolf Diaries (Day 60-68/100 days)
Summary: 100 very bizarre days in the life of a smallish person of inquisitve nature.
Author: C. Sullivan (as interpreted by pen37 and Clarksmuse)
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural/DCU
Rating: Pg

Day 1-15, Day 16-32, Day 33-41Day 42-59Day 60-68, Day 69 70-84Day 85-100.

Day 60

Chloe: What charming décor. The human skulls give it such a glow.

Dean: Uh . . .  We totally had nothing to do with that.

Chloe: I bet you tell that to all the girls.

Dean: You seem to be taking this pretty well.

Chloe: You hit a point where nothing surprises you.

Dean: And when did you hit that point?

Chloe: The moment that one of my ex-boyfriends split himself into two people and tried to throw me of a bridge.

Dean: . . .


Found cave in mountain. Hottie said that it used to belong to a wendigo.

Likely story. I bet he tells that one to the census taker, too. "Please excuse the human bones. Those belonged to the apartment's last owner."

Hottie seemed surprised that I knew what a wendigo was.

Don't try to out weird me, wolf-boy. I get stranger thing than you with my breakfast cereal.

Day 61

Hottie has also never heard of Zaphod Betlebrox.

Day 62.

Hottie now being direct.
Is lovesick. Wants to do it like they do on the Discovery Channel.

he bit me.

Among other things.


Dean: God, you smell good.

Chloe: Can you please keep your nose to yourself? Ew.

Dean: What?

Chloe: Anybody tell you that whole sniffing me thing is kinda weird?

Dean: No, but it sure comes in handy right now.

Chloe: ...

Dean: I need it to hunt.

Chloe: ... I'm not your prey.

Dean: Actually, you are. Kinda.

Chloe: OW! Dammit, you bit me!

Dean: * smirk* Had too.

Chloe: God,my favorite shirt...

Dean: Where you're going, you won't need it.

Chloe: I'm so going to regret asking this, but... where am I going?

Dean: To the animal kingdom and back, baby.

Chloe: *blinks*

Dean: And the biting's the best part.

Day 63

If I weren't a rising from the dead mutant with tears-of-suckatude, the bitey thing would have been a total problem.


Dean: You're not turning.

Chloe: No

Dean: Why aren't you turning?

Chloe: Did I explain to you about being Metahuman?

Dean: Meta-what?

Chloe: I wasn't human to begin with.

Dean: And that means what, exactly?

Chloe: I heal. I come back from the dead. And apparently, I'm immune to being a werewolf.

Dean: *growls*

Chloe: What was that?

Dean: I don't think there's a swear word foul enough to cover it in the English language.

Day 64.

Try explaining that to a horndog werewolf. On the other hand, being mauled to death would never be a problem. Or at least, not an insurmountable one. Always look on the bright side, I say.

Day 65

Did you know that wolves mate for life?

Nether did he.

Alpha wolf looked like he enjoyed dropping that little bomb.

Apparently, horndog werewolf thinks that I'm just fine to sleep with, but, as am stuck in human mode when not temporarily dead, not lifetime commitment partner. Pfft. Like he's a prize.


Sam: She's not turning.

Dean: She will.

Sam: You bit her.

Dean: yeah.

Sam: She smells like yours.

Dean: (beaming) yeah.

Sam: so she should be turning by now.

Dean: shut up.

Sam: Maybe she's defective.

Dean: I said, shut up.

John: You know, wolves mate for life.

Dean: what?

Sam: dude! You're stuck for life with a defective human.

Dean: Ever seen a werewolf coated in Nair?

John: Boys, now's not the time for games.

Dean: But Dad, Sammy's calling my girl defective!

Sam: What are we, twelve?

Dean: *growls*

Sam: Nair me and you'll regret it.

Dean: At least I wouldn't be bald. *smirk*

Sam: Better than "Eat Me" shaved into the back of your head.

Dean: ...

Day 66.

Mr. Shoes has been translating sulky werewolf boyfriend's stupid comments for me.

I am so not the mouthiest person in the western hemisphere.

am not.

Day 67

*are too*

Am not. Stay out of my journal. You are so in the doghouse, wolf boy!

Day 68.

*knocks *

Chloe:Who'se there?

Lefty: Candy Gram?

Chloe: Land Shark?  What do you take me for?

Lefty: Someone too young to get the reference?

Chloe: Nice try.

Lefty: Fine!

*sound of a gunshot *

Chloe:Oh thank you very much!  Another shirt shot to hell!  Literally!

Lefty: You're not dying!

Chloe: No.  Not really.

Lefty: Why aren't you dying?

Chloe: Lex doesn't have the best track record with minions, does he?

*sound of growling *

Lefty: what is that noise?

Chloe: That, my friend, is the sound of some folks who get kinda upset when I'm shot.

Lefty: You know, you're kind of scary when you smile like that.


Very exciting here. Lefty three fingers found me.

Was shot.

Would have been more exciting, except for the self-healing thing.

In the face of three pissed off werewolves, Lefty has decided to rethink his life.

Is good, because Dean decided to rethink Lefty's whole facial structure.

Hit man will never win a beauty contest now. Is sad.

crackfic, clarksmuse, wtfic, the werewolf diaries, pen37, chloe/dean

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