Fic: The Werewolf Diaries (Day 70-85/100 days)

Jan 14, 2008 15:00

Fic: The Werewolf Diaries (Day 6970-85/100 days)
Summary: 100 very bizarre days in the life of a smallish person of inquisitve nature.
Author: C. Sullivan (as interpreted by pen37 and Clarksmuse)
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural/DCU
Rating: Pg

Day 1-15, Day 16-32, Day 33-41Day 42-59Day 60-68, Day 69 70-84Day 85-100.

Day 70.

Am thinking that horndog boyfriend wants to make up just because day number gave him ideas.

Changed day number.

Horndog still has ideas.

Not bad ideas.

Am weak willed. Werewolf boyfriend is hot. Sue me.

Day 70 (really)
Am confused.

Alpha told us that we are going hunting.

Isn't that what horndog was doing with the dead birds?


John: We're going hunting.

Chloe: Don't you guys already do that?

John: No. We're going *hunting*.

Chloe: Dean's been bringing me dead things for days.

John: *sighs* Dean!

Dean: *glares at John* What?

John: You been bringing Chloe dead things?

Dean: Yeah. So?

John: *cocks eyebrow*

Dean (to Chloe): You don't like what I'm bringing to you?

Chloe: What the hell am I supposed to do with them?

Dean: ...

Chloe: *folds arms*

Dean: You're supposed to cook them!

Chloe: You *do* know I can't boil water, right?

Dean: *sighs*

John: *smirks*

Chloe: Seriously? Birds? Cute little bitty bluebirds? They're nothing but
beak and feet anyway. You actually eat that?

Day 71

apparently, hunting involves finding undead things (as opposed to back from the dead thing, which would be me) and making them less prefixey.

Suspect that undead things once involved werewolves. Suspect that somebody zigged when should have zagged.

Suspect that werewolves no longer on short list.

Day 72.

Sam: You've got an awesome computer setup!  Why didn't you tell me about this before?

Chloe: High-tech werewolves?  Who knew?

Sam: Still.

Chloe: Look, you guys have a bad track record of trashing my stuff.

Sam: That's entirely Dean.

Chloe: Yeah?  Well I'm still down one car and a couple of shirts.

Sam:  And I'm totally not at fault for that.  Hey . . . What's this?

Chloe: That's the wall of weird.

Sam:  The wall of . . . Hey Dad!  I think you might want to check this out!


Mr. shoes found virtual wall of weird. Alpha is all for checking out my home town. Suspect werewolf boyfriend may blend in there.

Day 73

Took pack to talon coffee house.

Coffee and horndog boyfriend? A world of bad idea.


Chloe: You're vibrating

Dean: Yep.

Chloe: Why?

Dean: Coffee.

Chloe: I think you've hit your limit.

Dean: Wow, I could hump your leg for hours on this kind of buzz.

Chloe: No more caffene for you. Ever.

Day 73

Short trip. No undead things. Back at cabin.

Day 74
Have noticed sense of smell improving.


Chloe: *sniffs* Ugh, who forgot to toss the rodent carcass?

Dean: ... not me.

Chloe: Right, and I was born in a drainage ditch.

Dean: Good thing you don't smell like one.

Sam: Chloe, there aren't any carcasses around.

Chloe: ...

Dean: Finally. You're changing.

Sam: The nearest carcass is... *stops speaking and looks at Chloe*

Chloe: Great. As if the tears of suckitude were bad enough...

Day 75

Horndog boyfriend smells good.


Chloe: *smells Dean*

Dean: *grins* Like what you smell?

Chloe: *smells him again*

Dean: *smirks*

Chloe: *grabs him by collar and smells him again*

Dean: Whoa, there. I'm not that damn fluffy fabric softener teddy bear thing!

Chloe: *smells him again* Smell better than that.

Dean: Check please?

Day 76.

good smelling horndog boyfriend gives me all kinds of naughty thoughts.

Day 77.

Horndog boyfriend likes naughty thoughts.

Day 78.

Have noticed an overall increase in eyesight and hearing as well.

Day 79.

Is possible that come back from the dead tears of suckitude don't stop werewolf transformation completely. Alpha seems to think that I'm werewolf inside. But tears of suck kept brain from getting the memo.

Will probably never be cute and furry.

Not all that broken up about it. Shaving legs is hard enough.


John: You need to have a talk with Chloe. Explain to her the facts of life.

Dean: *smirks* I'm pretty sure she knows all about the birds and the bees.

John: She still seems pretty ignorant about the werewolves and the mutants.

Dean: *coughs* I was sort of hoping to work that out as we went along.

John: Trust me, son. Some things don't just work themselves out.

Dean: .... Okay, awkward.

Day 81

Horndog not any happier about development. Still not completely on board with the whole sorta werewolf sorta not thing. Has tried to bite me again. Still not working.


Sam: You know, this is why we shouldn't go around making more of us.

Dean: shut up.

Sam: because only you would pick one who was defective.

Dean: She's not defective.

Sam: She didn't smell right to begin with Dean. I bet if we went back to her home town, all the rest of the meteor freaks would smell like her. If you were just thinking with the upstairs brain, you would have caught a whiff of it.

Dean: Dude? You know she full-on calls you Mr. Shoes.

Sam . . .

Dean: You know, like her teddy bear.   All cuddy-wuddly.

Sam: You suck.


Chloe: Dean, the biting thing? Not going to work.

Dean: But I LIKE biting you.

Chloe: So not the point, here.

Dean: There's supposed to be a point to this?

Chloe: Uh, yeah... OUCH, for starters. Haven't you figured out that's not going to totally change me?

Dean: Aw, this sucks.

Chloe: Tell me about it. Now I'm like a tri-breed or something.

Dean: ...

Chloe: Human, meteor freak, AND werewolf?

Dean: Maybe I should start calling you Lady Alien.

Chloe: If you hadn't bitten me, none of this would've happened!

Dean: If you'd been just human like I thought you were, we wouldn't be in this pickle!

Chloe: So you're saying it's my fault?

Dean: Maybe.

Chloe: Just my luck. I'm stuck in human mode, can't die, mated to a werewolf.

Dean: Can't get any worse.

Chloe: You've clearly not spent enough time in Smallville. Stop biting me!

Day 82.

If bitten one more time, am taking horndog to vet for rabies shot. Painful one. In the rear.

Day 83.

That's it.

* * *

Vet: Hello Miss . . .?

Chloe: Sullivan. But you can call me Chloe.  When people call me Miss
Sullivan, it gives me the creeps.

Vet: O-kay?  And I assume this is your dog?

Chloe: Yep.

*Dean Growls*

Vet: Not very friendly, is he?

Chloe: Depends on the person.  Sometimes he's *very* friendly.  *nods

Vet: So what can we do with . . .er, to . . . er, for him today

Chloe: We'll he's been a bad, bitey guy.  Habent you mistaw mutt?  Who's a
bad boy? Id it you?  Id it you? yes it is!

Dean: *growls*

Vet: So . . . Rabies booster?

Chloe: Definitely.  The painful kind.  In the rear. And can we fit him with
one of those cone-shaped neck thingies?

Vet: O-kay?

Chloe: Especially since I don't know where he's been.   He could be just
riddled with all kinds of nasty diseases.

Dean: *whines*

Vet: We can get you a collar with his vaccination tag on it.

Chloe: That would be good.  Do you have one in hot pink?  He'd like that.

Vet: Of course.  We can even put his name on it.  What would you like it to

Chloe: Mr. Snuggles.

Day 84.

Werewolf boyfriend is now rabies free. Also sore.

* * *

*later on*

Dean: "Mr. Snuggles"?! What happened to Cassanova?

chloe: You think the vet would believe that I named a pet Cassanova?

Dean: But calling a werewolf Mr. Snuggles?

Chloe: After the biting thing, I was feeling a little vindictive.  What's wrong with snuggling?

Dean: When there are other things we could do?

Chloe: But why does biting have to be one of them? Have you *seen* my neck lately?

Dean: *drools* Yeah. And I wanna see it again.

Chloe: No way. No snuggle, no go.

Dean: But you've freakin' shot me! At least I'm not contageous!

Chloe: Not for rabies, anyway.

Dean: *growls*

Chloe: Oh, is the poor wolfie upset?

Dean: *growls more* I'm sore. How happy would *you* be?

Chloe: I've been plenty sore lately, thanks to you and your little love  bites. You don't see me complaining.

Dean: taking me to the vet, yes. Complaining, no.  Besides, you're the sexiest chew toy I've ever seen.

Chloe: Chew toy?

Dean: Don't you know a love bite when you feel one?

Chloe: Love bites don't draw blood.

Dean: I can try to be more gentle. Thought you liked it rough. *grins*

Chloe: Your definition of rough and mine are worlds apart, Mr. Snuggles.

* * *

Sam: Nice collar.

Dean: You saw that.

Sam: Pink is totally your color.

Dean: It's not pink.  It's light red.

Sam: Whatever, dude.

Dean: This still sucks.

Sam: Why, because she won't give you any?

Dean: Not touching that with a hundred foot pole.

Sam: ... taking that as a no, then. Maybe you should try reverse-psychology on her.

Dean: Reverse?

Sam: Play hard to get.

Dean: But I'm not.

Sam: just play hard to get.

Dean: That would mean willingly denying myself.  And, hello?  Not that stupid.

Sam: This coming from the man whose mate can't change properly.

Dean: And of the two of us, which one even has a mate

Sam: . . .

Dean: That's what I thought.

Sam: Dude, that was harsh.

crackfic, clarksmuse, wtfic, the werewolf diaries, pen37, chloe/dean

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