Title: Loco Fandom: DWP Words: 241 words Notes: Miranda Priestly A/N: Written for the prompt meme and streep_party after ll_alleycat and ff_addict78 asked what happened next. A/N2: This is a sequel to Smooth and uses a mashup prompt provided by la_fono
Title: Smooth Fandom: DWP Words: 328 words Notes: Appearances by Nigel Kipling and Miranda Priestly A/N: Written for the prompt meme and streep_party for rysler The prompt was: Muses are evil.
Title: After Fandom: DWP Words: 476 words Notes: Andrea Sachs and Miranda Priestly A/N: Written for the prompt meme for dragonwine
I want to thank melanacious for their kind graciousness in letting me dabble in their 'verse as shown here in Guardian of Forever. This is the second macro-drabble/ficlet (476 words!) that I've written using dragonwine's prompt. ( Read more... )
Title: Cream Fandom: L&O: SVU and DWP (crossover) Words: 170 words Notes: Lena Petrovsky and Miranda Priestly A/N: Written for the prompt/timeline meme for unfortunateggs as right after Stigma ( Read more... )