Title: Unseeing
Fandom: DWP
Words: 182 words
Notes: Andrea Sachs and Miranda Priestly
A/N: Written for the
prompt meme for
dragonwineIn a reflex developed over the past brutalizing year, she shut down the emotions that surged through at the sight of carnage. There would be no relief from this gaze until deepest night, where even the moonlight could not reflect the tears that might fall -- bearing silent witness to all that happened during the day, and mourning for lost time and lost souls even as the mind fortified itself once more for the morrow. Time was already blurring itself -- days, weeks, months all running into each other and there was nothing to separate them in her mind. Andy didn't want to remember the true reasons that had spurred her to grasp at the offer - to travel and file a comprehensive series; New York City had simultaneously become too big and too small for her to stay where she was. She could have sworn that she saw Miranda and the silver Mercedes at every turn and corner, yet she knew it was the height of hubris and folly to expect (or even hope) that their paths would ever cross again.