Threading for Applications

Feb 17, 2011 22:37

This is a blank post meant to be used for requests for threading with a mod character on applications.

app threads

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Comments 79

thread with Souchi Tatsumi for application abaratian_soul May 8 2011, 02:46:44 UTC
[The forest was both familiar and unfamiliar to any that might be seen within natural earth. While flora and fauna were abundant, the type of flora and fauna were unknown. The trees vaguely resembled trees you might find in a pine forest, but the colors of the leaves and bark were distracting fluorescent blues and greens and purples. Though as extravagant as the trees appeared to be, the flowers seemed to want to impress more. No two flowers looked, and none were anything less than beautiful ( ... )


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abaratian_soul May 8 2011, 04:23:09 UTC
[Candy pays no attention to the sounds she hears in the forest for the longest time. The forest is peaceful but not empty. Strange sounds weren't uncommon, and being so new to the world she wasn't sure what size of animal would be out there which made it hard to judge anything she heard. Most of her world seemed safe so far, though, so she paid no heed to the distance life ( ... )


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thread with Romanadvoratrelundar II for application scoffed August 28 2011, 16:07:06 UTC
[What do warrior goddesses dream of?

What do any warriors dream of? Glory and praise for their accomplishments. Not even rewards so much as the acknowledgement that they were powerful warriors, able to defend their homes against enemies at a moments' notice.

That was what Sif dreamed of now. The dream didn't quite recollect the battle that had she had won so flawlessly. Not who it was with, where it was, or even how she won. None of that really mattered. What she was focused on was the glory that came after. The large party in the banquet hall with all her closest of friends as they ate and drank and sang songs praising her name. She sat among her closest of friends for the longest time, wearing a fine dress for the party as she drank with them. But soon she thought it time to mingle with the others attending to celebrate her, so she stood and left her friends with laughter to blend into the crowd of people and meet with the others who were here.]


stillherown August 28 2011, 17:52:49 UTC
[ Having traveled for the majority of her first and a good portion of her second incarnation, the Lady President had seen her fair share of gatherings and parties on other worlds. While they had always varied from race to race, the fact remained that there was always an infectious understanding that everyone was to be jubilant and happy for the duration of the party. And it was certainly a strange concept when compared to life back home for her ( ... )


Thread with Peter Vincent for application messiahed September 10 2011, 17:10:49 UTC
[Hope's dreams are more memories ( ... )


fucking_ebay September 10 2011, 17:39:16 UTC
[Peter's dreams, meanwhile, are fantasies. Or tales of terror. Sometimes colored by memories, sometimes with connections to real life... but often those connections are buried under more than one layer of metaphor. And sometimes, hey. Sometimes a dream is just a dream.

In this dream, he's a leader. A small group of faceless, mostly-nameless followers trek with him across this desolate landscape, doing their best to survive and fighting off those... weird cockroach monster things. Peter's subconscious hasn't given them a name, but it doesn't matter. They're the Enemy.

They've stumbled across an unexpected nest and are being pursued. They run toward a cluster of buildings. Shelter. Peter grabs his second-in-command by the scruff of his shirt, pushes him onward.]

Antony! Get everybody behind that wall!

[He turns and rattles off a report with his machine gun, catching a few of the little bastards, as he backs up and then runs behind the others into the building, rolling through an open window ( ... )


messiahed September 10 2011, 17:44:13 UTC
[Other humans? At first her mind doesn't seem to comprehend, but her dreams fill in the mental blanks to make this work with her. It doesn't change how she reacts to her shelter being invaded by them, though. Which is very unhappy.

Especially when she sees why.

She quickly finishes putting her gun together, some unknown machinery from some unknown time. Cable had collected a lot of things like that. Then the girl was on her feet and at a window across the room, shooting the first sign of movement and killing one of the creatures.]

Any one of you that touches my food gets the same treatment, just so you know. [She snapped at the people behind her as she shot another of the creatures.]


fucking_ebay September 10 2011, 18:15:15 UTC
We can talk chow later, sweetheart! [Although a few in the group might be tempted. Especially the kid. Peter hopes his mom is keeping him out of the way. Everyone else is focused on taking out the creatures.

There's still a dozen of them out there. Peter fires a shot - make that eleven. Someone else takes care of another - ten. Then out of nowhere one of them's made it to a window and is attacking one of the humans, who falls back screaming. Peter springs toward him--] Shit-- [--and rips the creature off of him, throws it away. It rolls across the floor, hissing.]


thread with Jack Skellington for application auncyenhalig December 8 2011, 05:02:08 UTC
[ A simple flower girl has simple dreams.

Though Aerith's not really all that simple, and this dream is certainly on the silly side. Think of a walk-in closet the size of a small house; filled with clothes and costumes aplenty, and mirrors around to check appearances, it's hard to imagine not walking out with the perfect outfit.

Aerith is closer to the back, straightening things and humming cheerfully. ]


afewbonesloose December 8 2011, 05:23:56 UTC
[ Even when it came to dreams, Jack was unable to resist the temptation that encouraged his curiosity. And while it might be just a little strange to see a rather tall skeleton rummaging through a trunk filled with hats there was no denying that he was entertained.

The sight of so many costumes reminded him of the Santa Claus suit Sally had made for him. Why, even the first hat he plucked from the trunk had been the very same red and white cap he had worn one year ago. As he looked into the mirror the corners of his mouth turned upwards into a grin. But mere seconds after he had put the hat on he whisked it off in favor of silk top hat that fit his skull perfectly.

And no sooner had he done that it was immediately replaced by a hat sporting an umbrella on top. --He was a dead man of multiple tastes. ]


auncyenhalig December 8 2011, 05:39:57 UTC
[ It was a little strange, and when Aerith first saw him there she gave a soft gasp, backing up around the corner again.

...Only to laugh when she saw him putting on that red and white cap. My, but these dreams were showing her strange people. No one seemed all that bad, though, and she walked out of her impromptu hiding spot, watching the hat changes. ] Even you need shade from the sun, hm?


afewbonesloose December 8 2011, 05:48:18 UTC
[ When Jack turned to see her had already exchanged the umbrella hat for one that of a jester's, bells and all. He was smiling brightly as he plucked the jingling cap from his skull. ] Unfortunately, too much sun has never been very good for my bones!

[ The smile remained as the Pumpkin King bowed to the young woman, his left arm sweeping across his front, the jester hat grasped tightly in his boney hand. ]

I hope I am not intruding-- I couldn't help coming in, there's just so much to see here!


thread with Seira Almasy for application waterfell January 1 2012, 04:14:47 UTC
[There's a waterfall. The trees thin to reveal a clearing with a stream running through it, fed by a source higher up along the falls. The ground is grassy, but rocks dot the landscape.

She's not alone there. Mercury's head turns as soon as she senses, and hears, Seira. Her lips quirk upward.]

Feel like wading in?


ladyhyperion January 1 2012, 18:51:13 UTC
[Seira's comfortable in the woods, far more unguarded than she's felt in weeks. She smirks as Mercury speaks though, raising an eyebrow in something close to amusement.]

Sorry, I didn't bring my bathing suit.


waterfell January 1 2012, 23:43:04 UTC
Afraid of getting your clothes a little bit wet? [But despite the remark, she doesn't press the issue. She is far more relaxed, here near the water.]

The water at the base of the falls is deep. If you jumped, if you dive properly, you wouldn't be hurt.


ladyhyperion January 2 2012, 00:20:01 UTC
Or, I could not snap my neck and drown because some Crazy tells me jumping off a cliff is a good idea. [She snorts, rolling her eyes.

She does give the top of the falls an appraising look, it doesn't look like the easiest climb but definitely doable. If she'd had the idea first...]


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