
Feb 17, 2011 12:50

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Cordelia Chase | btvs/ats | 1/? knowmypurpose March 1 2011, 05:03:34 UTC
Your name: Katie
Your journal: superkappa
Contact: AIM: moongoddessSK plurk: superkappa
Other characters played at Passing: N/A

Character name: Cordelia Chase
Character fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Version: V1
Canon point: Post Angel 2.03, First Impressions
Importing development from old game? None

Changes from canon, if AU: None.

Personality:Cordelia Chase is, above everything else, confident. She thinks very highly of herself; she always has and she always will, and while she may doubt things in life, one thing she won't doubt is her worth. The few times she has have been very hard on her, and often result in cold grudges (like when Xander cheated on her with Willow and acted like he did nothing wrong; this may be the prime example of her behavior when her sense of self has been shattered ( ... )


Cordelia Chase | btvs/ats | 2/? knowmypurpose March 1 2011, 05:05:21 UTC
Her relationship with Xander and the fact that he cheats on her (and with Willow, someone she sees as beneath her) is important because despite herself, she had really fallen for Xander. And being used to getting whatever she wants, it becomes very clear to her by his callous behavior after they break up that he never cared about her the way she did about him. She's not used to rejection ( ... )


Cordelia Chase | btvs/ats | 3/? knowmypurpose March 1 2011, 05:06:12 UTC
One of Cordelia’s biggest fears and insecurities is the fact that she has them at all. She’s done a very good job all her life to appear to be tough as nails, like nothing gets to her. In reality, this isn’t true at all. She doesn’t care what nameless others think of her, but what her friends think of her? That’s vitally important to her. This is why she is so hurt when she hears Angel talking about her being too weak to handle things in the episode “Birthday”-- because she likes to think that her friends think better of her, and that she’s become more than the cheerleader who would scream and run away from monsters back in Sunnydale. It bothers her so much that she overcompensates and accepts Skip’s offer, just to prove to herself that she didn’t need them. But it also seemed like a part of her also thought they didn’t need her, which is why the events of that episode are so important to her ( ... )


Cordelia Chase | btvs/ats | 4/4 knowmypurpose March 1 2011, 05:06:52 UTC
Visions. The Powers That Be send Cordelia visions of those are suffering so she can help prevent the visions from happening. The visions cause her intense pain and are in fact slowly killing her. She also has fast reflexes from her time as a cheerleader and training in swordsmanship, crossbows, and several other forms of defense.
Writing sample:Cordelia takes a breath before thrusting forward, lunging with her sword. It isn’t hard to recall the moves Angel’s been teaching her. She never had to be shown a move more than once back in varsity cheerleading, and it isn’t any different now. It’s easier to practice on her own. As helpful as Angel’s knowledge was, what wasn’t helpful was his hesitance to teach her anything other than to protect herself ( ... )


Dexter Morgan | Dexter (books) |1/3 slayerpreferred March 1 2011, 05:04:31 UTC
Your name: Ca
Your journal: sesemperamabo
Contact: AIM: n0tJesus ; Plurk: menaceonkeys ; email:
Other characters played at Passing: N/A

Character name: Dexter Morgan
Character fandom: Dexter (the book series)
Version: V1
Canon Point: Post Dearly Devoted Dexter
Importing development from old game? N/A
Background: ;

Changes from canon, if AU: N/A


Dexter Morgan | Dexter (books) | 2/3 slayerpreferred March 1 2011, 05:05:26 UTC
Personality: Dexter is highly sociopathic, and quite likely narcissistic. He's out for his own interests, and doesn't care much about anyone who isn't a child or his sister. Because of a deeply repressed event: his mother's brutal murder that he witnessed at only 3 years old, Dexter feels the "need" to kill. His foster father and a homicide detective, Harry Morgan, taught Dexter how to 'aim' this need towards other murderers. It is in this way Dexter becomes the Dark Avenger. He claims that this urge needs to be sated once a month, much like a werewolf, and thinks of himself as a monster. That said he is also self-congragulatory as a lot of serial killers are. He believes he is doing the world a favor, and making it a safer place by killing criminals ( ... )


Dexter Morgan | Dexter (books) | 3/3 slayerpreferred March 1 2011, 05:06:05 UTC
Writing sample: Children. Marriage. Honeymoon.

Dexter of the digital era does not compute. What could this mean? Surely, a ring and tax write-offs do not make Dexter the demented any less ... demented.

So what did it mean? Delving deep into the far corners of Dexter's mental mineshaft did not produce more worthy answers.

And so here I was, again. In a dream not my own. It couldn't be mine because I do not dream. It would seem monsters are not capable of thoughts such as sugarplums dancing above their horned heads. But when sleep was so kind to claim me as its nightly victim, I found myself dreaming.

I could not begin to register the properly profound feeling most people take away from their mundane to even murderous night picture show. I felt no such thing as I watched myself roam along dream streets and talk to dream residents. It inspired as much numbness in me as life did, and more still because I knew nothing I might do would have impact when I awoke.

The morning was a welcome reprieve from this endless dreaming, and ( ... )


ACCEPTED passingmod March 1 2011, 06:00:19 UTC
You've been accepted! Welcome. :)

Please join the comms and comment to the taken page. Our activity requirements are 20 comments each month for each character.

Do that, introduce yourself, and start playing!


Sai | Reserved | part 1 fedele_tempesta March 1 2011, 05:27:07 UTC
Your name: Piipa
Your journal: shadows_in_mind I never use it, however.
Contact: AIM | crimsonrush314, EMAIL |, PLURK | Piipa
Other characters played at Passing: NA

Character name: Sai
Character fandom: Naruto
Version: V1
Canon point: Before war against Madara
Importing development from old game? Nope.
Background: Narutopedia: Sai

Changes from canon, if AU: NA


Sai | Reserved | part 2 fedele_tempesta March 1 2011, 05:28:42 UTC
Personality: Sai is a work in process. He was brought up to be a weapon, a shield that guards Konoha, the roots the village stands on. He doesn't have a name, he doesn't have a personality, he doesn't have a life of his own. However, he is learning again, everything from a scratch.

As one of the ANBU Root, he was taught consistently to suppress his own personality, his emotions, his desires and dislikes. And he did so very diligently, disposing himself of any weakness that might come to his way of acting as a tool for the Root's leader, Danzo. He is used to thinking himself as nothing, just a white canvas on which he paints what he finds necessary in each situation, emotions, thoughts, attitudes - he isn't exactly good in fabricating those, but sufficiently skilled. The tool-mentality went as far as Danzo placing a cursed seal on the tongue of every Root shinobi, so that if they'd ever speak of Root or Danzo, they'd become completely paralysed ( ... )


Sai | Reserved | part 3 fedele_tempesta March 1 2011, 05:29:58 UTC
personality continued...In introspection, his biggest weakness goes hand-in-hand with his greatest strength. He might have had excessive training, might have been very goal oriented and sharply capable of dissecting facts out of bigger concepts, his artistic skills might be very good, but he lacks the passion to reach over his own limitations. He doesn't push himself hard to learn new techniques, much like other characters do. If he had been doing that, he'd probably be on a completely different power level ( ... )


Sai | Reserved | part 4 fedele_tempesta March 1 2011, 05:32:06 UTC
Writing sample:[ This is a Dream post I wrote for Kannagara a while back ( ... )


Supernatural | Gabriel/The Trickster painhumbles March 1 2011, 05:50:30 UTC
ACCEPTED passingmod March 1 2011, 06:03:32 UTC
You've been accepted! Welcome. :)

Please join the comms and comment to the taken page. Our activity requirements are 20 comments each month for each character.

Do that, introduce yourself, and start playing!


Scott Pilgrim | Scott Pilgrim AU | Reserved | 1/? blizaga_kururu March 1 2011, 05:53:35 UTC
Your name: Kururu
Your journal: blizaga_kururu
Contact: aim @ Vinciolol
Other characters played at Passing: n/a

Character name: Scott Pilgrim
Character fandom: Scott Pilgrim
Version: V2+
Canon point: About eight months after volume six.
Importing development from old game? If yes, where from? Nope!
Background: Scott Pilgrim Wiki, on Scott Pilgrim


Scott Pilgrim | Scott Pilgrim AU | Reserved | 2/? blizaga_kururu March 1 2011, 05:53:59 UTC
Changes from canon, if AU: The first changes in this AU come before canon begun -- during high school. Scott Pilgrim beat up a guy called Simon Lee in canon -- but this Scott beat him so bad he had to go to hospital. Thus, he was kicked out of school, and moved to Toronto before starting his first band with Kim and Lisa. However, when he met Kim again after she moved to Toronto, he semi-forced her to join Sex Bob-Omb, and thus canon started seemingly normally. Scott still dated a high schooler, and he still found Ramona in his head. The next change came during the Patel fight in volume one -- Scott didn't require a power up to defeat him -- and no cash was left over. No Ex left cash behind, in fact! This is because, before Scott -- other people had tried to defeat them, and all the cash had been taken from those people. But if not all the league is defeated, everybody from it come back to life, missing a lot of internal defeat cash ( ... )


Re: Scott Pilgrim | Scott Pilgrim AU | Reserved | 3/? blizaga_kururu March 1 2011, 05:54:59 UTC
Personality: The first important thing about Scott Pilgrim, canon or AU, is that he's... well, an idiot, who tends to bring up videogame conventions in real life. (which does kind-of make sense in his own canon, a tiny bit. but he does it more then needed.) A big idiot, a huge jerk -- but he doesn't seem himself like this. Instead, his self-image is one of an awesome guy, the sort of guy who everybody loves. And this is how we get to see him in canon, mostly ( ... )


Scott Pilgrim | Scott Pilgrim AU | Reserved | Done blizaga_kururu March 1 2011, 05:55:31 UTC
Writing sample: The ticking of that large, old grandfather clock -- it wasn't often that Scott Pilgrim even thought of sleeping near to it. But he really had nowhere else to go, right now. With a slight groan, he looked up at it. Loud, but time-telling. And right now, it said it was midnight -- the latest time as it could be in a day. And Scott had been trying to sleep for... like, hours by now. Some amount of hours, to be exact ( ... )


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