s e t t i n g
A . C . 0 3 9 9 exitium mercedinus
t h e c i t y
A.C. 0399: Nuadoria is an abandoned city covered in varying levels of low-leveled fog and ash. Once a grand and populated area, it is now deserted and, apparently, destroyed out of the history books. A war happened here and it's assumed that all the natives save a select few died in this war due to unknown causes. Some buildings show signs of wear and age, maybe even battle destruction. However, the majority of the city is in surprisingly good condition for being abandon for an unknown amount of years.
Physically, Nuadoria is a circular structured city securely situated to be protected by natural boundaries. Despite the damage having been done to the city itself, the natural boundaries still remain: a massive body of fresh water surrounding three sides of the city and a dense forest separating the Nuadorian palace and cathedral from the city itself.
In order to exit the city (and it is possible), a bridge must be crossed as well, which leads to an open field prior to the forest. This field is littered with remnants of battle (armor pieces, broken weapons, helms) but no sign of bodies or other once-living remains.
For more information on Nuadoria's layout and area's of exploration, please see here.
The atmosphere, while full of breathable air, is subject to creating dangerous mental alterations and even a monster or two hiding within the fog. Threshold levels rise and fall throughout the city, affecting individuals senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell both mentally and physically. It acts like an illness, a person becoming increasingly moreso until they can no longer tell the difference between fantasy and reality. If left in to suffer these effects for too long and not returned to a safe place, the individual has a high chance of going insane and dying (how is unknown). While it's technically unknown if the fog and ash are responsible for the effects that the city creates, they are generally accepted as part of the problem. There is a pattern of relation between the amount of fog and ash and the strength of the effects an individual experiences.
Hallucinations, insanity, physical injury, voices, ghosts, and monsters await in those more dangerous areas. The more dangerous the area, the thicker the fog.
Therefore, the city has been separated into zones, mapping out the most dangerous atmospheric areas.
Green represents minimal fog and ash and thus minimal effects. While it is possible for hallucinations to occur, most are easy to recognize as such and be dismissed unless a person is already suffering from traumatic encounters within the fog (the longer one stays in the fog, the more "infected" they become and the longer it will take their thresholds to return to normal).
Yellow represents mild fog and ash and thus mild effects. Hallucinations occur frequently here as well as personal threshold level drops to dangerous if extended stay occurs (the character could become physically ill, become mentally unstable with varying emotions, be injured by things that are not/should not be there, etc). Yellow zones are recommended to stay out of as much as possible, although a little exposure with the right preparations may be good. Some individuals report being able to build some tolerance to the effects, allowing them to stay out in those areas longer.
Red represent severe fog and ash and thus severe effects. Hallucinations, voices, ghosts appear within minutes, physical ailments soon follow and the sanity threshold level is increasingly eaten away at to the point an individual cannot function and thus cannot get out of the area alive (by themselves at least). Monsters have also been known to hide in this dense fog. Red zones are not recommended under any circumstances, including venturing in to save someone else. The chances of survival of a rescuer are less than the survival of the initial person needing to be saved. (Basically, you're probably screwed if you get messed up in a red zone unless you happen to be very close to the edge).
Dark Red represents ash and fog so thick it's hard to see one hand held in front of the individual. The mental and physical effects of this atmosphere are devastating within minutes and if one loses their mind here, they're subject to almost certain death. Proceeding into these areas is not advised even under extreme conditions that leave little choice (you'd have a better chance surviving a fight with that monster chasing you than running into the dark red zone). However, those that are able to withstand the effects even for a little while may be able to find very significant things of value to their search to return home. Afterall, there's got to be something hidden there, right?
Along with the unstable atmosphere and varying zones of threshold tolerance, every so often the city becomes completely consumed in red zone atmosphere status for an unprecedented amount of time. This is averaged to happen approximately every 3 days game time (3 months real time), however this has been taken from countless samples and should not be used as a timer or an indicator of safety. Usually, the change is gradual, the red zone effects slowly spreading to the yellow and green areas. When all zones are red, it's only a matter of time before all individuals fall to the effects or succumb to the insanity of those around them (from hallucinations, violent outbursts, etc, etc.)
Although the phenomenon cannot be tracked visually and can happen more quickly at certain times than others, it is generally said to expect trouble when ash like snow falls. For the natives, this is the marker of a fully red-zoned city.
Please see here for a map marking the zones. These maps are available on all communicator devices and are present upon arrival. While "minimal" "mild" "severe" and other key words litter the maps, characters will need to find out what all this means from others.
While the city is supposedly beyond repair, it looks normal and well kept, despite being eerie and deserted. That is, until the Cathedral Bell Tower bells sound to reveal something more...
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