
Jul 02, 2008 22:16

Who: Sasuke (hawtcuzimfly) and Naruto (oirokenojutsu)
What: Sasuke asks Naruto to train with him and it becomes... tense and awkward. And weird.
When: A week after the carnival.
Where: The forest and some random cave.
Warnings: Violence and... bwahaha we'll see. SURPRAIZE! ... No, really, there's some boy love in this XD

prepare for another round of novel length replies )

uzumaki naruto, uchiha sasuke

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Comments 59

hawtcuzimfly July 3 2008, 02:19:31 UTC
Out of curiosity, Sasuke had returned to his room after a week of not showing up to confirm if Naruto had left or not, which he hadn’t, apparently. As he opened the door, he found himself not at all surprised as he glanced across the room to spot Naruto watering the tomato plant he had given to him as a gift months ago. It took him a moment to scan the room, noticing that it was clean, no mess, and that none of Naruto’s things laid anywhere. Sasuke quickly put two and two together, guessing that Naruto had returned to his room, but still paid this room a visit every once in a while. He paid no mind to it as he walked into the room casually, as if Naruto’s presence didn’t affect him at all, informing him that he had only returned for a book he had forgotten, an excuse, but one that Naruto would believe ( ... )


hawtcuzimfly July 3 2008, 02:20:36 UTC
As they stepped down the stairs together, Sasuke didn’t bother to sneak glances at Naruto to check if he was keeping up, for he knew he would be following close behind. He was suddenly reminded of the time that he led Naruto up to the roof of the hospital for a fight before he defected from Konoha. Memories of Konoha seemed to cross his mind more frequently than ever, but he repressed them just as fast as he did before arriving at Paradisa.

As they made their way outside, Sasuke led Naruto into the forest, taking Kusanagi out from between the ropes that winded around his waist, and leaned it against a tree once they found a clearing. Sasuke analyzed their surroundings, finding each advantage he could use with the area itself. He didn’t even have to think when it came to coming up with strategies for battle, it had become second nature to him by now.

“We’ll work on tai jutsu,” he explained, his eyes drifting towards Naruto, skipping over his face, and focused past his head.


oirokenojutsu July 3 2008, 02:20:56 UTC
To be brutally honest, Naruto was not looking forward to this at all. Of course he was excited to be holding some form of attention in Sasuke's presence, but he had not dreamed of the moment to be because of some tense training session. Naruto knew it was not just any normal offer. Sasuke's real reasoning behind asking him was a complete mystery to the blond, but he could not deny the intense curiosity that surrounded his thoughts as they walked in pure silence. It was a nerve-wracking sensation. He had only agreed to this because it meant spending time with him, the one person who seemed to matter the most right now, and if some awkward training was involved, then so be it. Sasuke was important enough to Naruto to make him do absolutely anything if it meant pleasing Sasuke. As strange or uncharacteristically submissive as it sounded, it was true. If Sasuke asked him to do something he would do it as long as it meant Sasuke was happy. Of course, Naruto had his limits to how far he would go, but nothing seemed like much of a burden ( ... )


hawtcuzimfly July 3 2008, 02:27:02 UTC
Naruto’s neutral expression only slightly unnerved Sasuke, given the nature of the overly zealous boy, although his own neutral expression didn’t waver. Naruto must have been confused as to why he would have invited him to come along in the first place, especially after ignoring him for so long. He didn’t blame him for putting up a cold front, to avoid showing Sasuke any vulnerabilities. It was true, friends didn’t take advantage of your vulnerabilities, but Naruto should have known by now that Sasuke was no friend of his, or at least, he was no good friend of his. Sasuke looked out for himself and himself only; a fact that he had tried to convey through action. He was relieved that Naruto had known better than to show what he was truly feeling and start another emotional argument similar to that of the one they had the Ferris Wheel about a week ago. Sasuke had purposefully not reached out to him when the boy finally broke down in tears, and even mocked him for it, to demonstrate that he could and would hurt him if he was given the ( ... )


hawtcuzimfly July 3 2008, 02:28:05 UTC
The only solution would be not to think about it at all. His vision couldn’t waver; he had to constantly look straight ahead, towards his ambition. No pathetic idealists or magical castles would threaten that. Sasuke had told Naruto that he had doubts in himself. He didn't say anything specifically, but he meant that he had doubts of being a good friend, or even becoming a friend, being able to find peace within himself after he killed Itachi, and other such things that plagued his mind everyday. He had come to another fork in the road of his life and once again, he had chosen the one that seemed easiest to come by. He didn’t expect Naruto to forgive him or offer to take him back with open arms, but he knew he would if he were given the chance. He was truly a fool who cared too much. The problem was, though, that Sasuke cared too much, as well ( ... )


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