
Oct 10, 2007 16:04

Who: Selphie and Squall
What: Taking a walk and probably some moping :/
When: After this.
Where: Around... outside!
Rating: PG... ish? Maybe?

you level off but it's not alright now )

selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart

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Comments 30

hadtoleave October 12 2007, 04:57:43 UTC
Crossing his arms over his chest after she'd pulled away, Squall rolled his eyes again.

"Whatever," he dismissed. "We could take her."

He felt ridiculous. He tried and failed to scowl at her. Stupid hug had put him in a-an okay mood. So he started to walk again, determinedly looking away from her. "There could be another week like a month ago."

Bringing that up might have been a bad idea, but it had been a month…


anewlingo October 12 2007, 05:16:37 UTC
"Oh, I know. I'm just talking personality wise!" She laughed and took a quick step to the side as they walked, intending to bump into him and maybe make him stumble, if she was lucky. When all else failed, goofing around was good for making each other feel better.

Selphie shook her head at the mention of that one week. Not the best memories she had, but it was a month ago. "Nah, I think our last fight got all the rage out of our systems, so it wouldn't be as bad, you know? We could handle anything!"

Besides, she was going to make an effort not to start wars with Squall from now on.


hadtoleave October 13 2007, 02:27:09 UTC
"…And Ultimecia is the only worse option," Squall said, unfolding his arms and glancing at her. "You guess."

He was fully aware of her as she bumped into him and he quickly decided that humoring her wouldn't be such a bad idea. Instead of correcting his misstep as he would have, he stumbled and grabbed onto her shoulder for balance, shifting most of his weight toward her. If he was going to stumble, so was she.

That week… He thought the same about their first fight, believing it couldn't get worse, but they only seemed to escalate. Well, maybe it would be different next time-though he really hoped there never was a next time.


anewlingo October 14 2007, 09:12:12 UTC
"I know!" Selphie grinned. She seemed happy to have a quick comeback.

... but that was short lived, since she didn't seem pleased her goofing around backfired on her. "Hey!" She knew he was doing it on purpose, and it wasn't fair because her sense of balance was far worse than his. Somehow she ended up tripping over her own feet and, due to whatever pride she possessed, tried to save herself by pushing away from Squall.

"That's mean!" She cried, teetering dangerously forward before somehow finding her balance.


hadtoleave October 14 2007, 09:37:05 UTC
Squall hunched forward a little, his shoulders shaking with barely suppressed laughter for only a minute. Then his composure broke and he laughed, albeit quietly. He blamed it on feeling somewhat emotionally drained. At least he hadn't laughed hysterically… That'd be worrying in more ways than one.

He watched her as she straightened. Though he had enough control back not to keep laughing, he looked fairly relaxed. He corrected, "That's fair."

He waited a few seconds before teasingly asking, "Okay?" as he smirked. He supposed there wasn't any harm in that and if it annoyed her then all the better, right?

Can't believe this. But somehow he couldn't find enough in him to really give a damn. Not right now, anyway; there'd be plenty of time for that later. Once he was back in his room…

His expression shifted from relaxed to its usual indifference as he folded his arms again. This wasn't so good if he still wasn't willing to be alone. Ridiculous. But that didn't change the stupid, nagging feeling of-he didn't know.


anewlingo October 14 2007, 10:13:27 UTC
Laughing! He was laughing! At her! What happened to the morose mood? Selphie sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Oh, so that's what it takes to get a laugh out of you, is it?" But by the end of her sentence she was clearly amused by the whole situation.

"I'm fine," she said, rolling her eyes. She was acting more annoyed than she really was. In actuality, she wasn't annoyed at all--and the exasperated smile on her face probably gave that away. "Though if I fell and my head went crack against a rock or something, you'd have some explaining to do~~"

Notice the shift, Selphie mirrored the action, imitating him. She opened her mouth to say something along the lines of Oh, did you realize you were having fun? but shut it before the words could escape. That was just asking for an argument.


hadtoleave October 14 2007, 10:32:26 UTC
She didn't have to say anything; you didn't have to be a mind reader to pick up on it. Squall almost snapped back, Go ahead, say it, but caught himself just in time. He didn't want a fight-didn't want her angry with him. In fact, he didn't even want her… annoyed with him? Really ( ... )


anewlingo October 14 2007, 11:06:36 UTC
Selphie blinked. That reply was pretty odd, and not in the usual way it was odd for Squall. It was almost like a window was shut loudly and suddenly, and she didn't know what to do--she she blinked again, and laughed it off.

Sure, she got that it was a joke, but it hit a weird spot. Maybe because that could be a reality one day. It took her a moment to recognize that it scared her, so she promptly discarded that train thought. An innocent mistake, and probably her fault since he had to be specific about her hypothetical demise. She grinned a little stupidly at his expression because, once again, she wasn't sure what to do.

"Don't get mad at me for asking this," Selphie said, taking some quick steps to catch up with Squall, "But are you okay?" She asked nicely, though she doubted that made much of a difference. She had asked early and had gotten a "fine" in response, though she doubted that was really reflective of how he was. Now he seemed kind of... vaguely annoyed? ... or would be, if he got annoyed at her question.


hadtoleave October 14 2007, 11:31:49 UTC
Squall glanced at her as soon as she said 'don't get mad.' That never led to anything good. Her question was valid enough and he had known that she would probably ask it again, but… How to answer?

He shortened his strides, glancing at her every once in a while. He was obviously annoyed, but whether with himself or with her-or both?-was unclear. When he couldn't stand anymore, he said shortly, "No." But that wasn't right. "Yes," he immediately contradicted. Except that wasn't right either and so he growled in frustration, "I don't know."

He was better than he was when he found out Laguna was gone, even better than he was five minutes ago. Right? He didn't know how he was feeling other than-

She deserved more.

"…okay," he muttered. "I guess. Better than-" He shrugged and focused on the path. I feel like a moron.Like father, like son ( ... )


anewlingo October 14 2007, 19:48:01 UTC
It was another one of those moments where Selphie was about to take it back--well, as best as she could, which would probably be telling Squall to forget it along with a nice subject change. But he was already answering, so Selphie listened quietly.

For some reason, Squall confessing he didn't want to be alone almost floored her. Even after all this time she always thought he preferred the quiet and the solitude and didn't mind it much--hanging out was just something to humor her because otherwise she would pester him more. The idea of Squall desiring human interaction was almost... contradictory ( ... )


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