
Oct 10, 2007 16:04

Who: Selphie and Squall
What: Taking a walk and probably some moping :/
When: After this.
Where: Around... outside!
Rating: PG... ish? Maybe?

you level off but it's not alright now )

selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart

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hadtoleave October 14 2007, 10:32:26 UTC
She didn't have to say anything; you didn't have to be a mind reader to pick up on it. Squall almost snapped back, Go ahead, say it, but caught himself just in time. He didn't want a fight-didn't want her angry with him. In fact, he didn't even want her… annoyed with him? Really?

He narrowed his eyes, thinking quickly. Finally, somewhat impatiently, he said, "I wouldn't let you." He waited a minute before clarifying, "If I end up going back alone… I don't want to have to fill out the paperwork that reports not only are you stuck in a different universe, you're also dead… eventual resurrection notwithstanding."

Not only was that a mouthful but it was also a joke about the very thing that bothered him. The thing that had made him agreed to a walk and planted him in this situation. It was a weird way of apologizing, but he wasn't about to say 'sorry.'

He stared at her, challengingly and a little bewilderedly. Just under a year of this friendship and he still didn't know what the hell he was doing most of the time. What the right responses or actions really were. He had ideas, sure, but… most of the time it still felt like too much. Even if he had decided it was worth it and was accepting the risks-how do you overwrite what was, to him, years and years of self-imposed emotional isolation? Even if it hadn't completely worked-

Highly uncomfortable, Squall turned away from her.

"C'mon," he muttered and walked ahead, not waiting to check if she was following or not.


anewlingo October 14 2007, 11:06:36 UTC
Selphie blinked. That reply was pretty odd, and not in the usual way it was odd for Squall. It was almost like a window was shut loudly and suddenly, and she didn't know what to do--she she blinked again, and laughed it off.

Sure, she got that it was a joke, but it hit a weird spot. Maybe because that could be a reality one day. It took her a moment to recognize that it scared her, so she promptly discarded that train thought. An innocent mistake, and probably her fault since he had to be specific about her hypothetical demise. She grinned a little stupidly at his expression because, once again, she wasn't sure what to do.

"Don't get mad at me for asking this," Selphie said, taking some quick steps to catch up with Squall, "But are you okay?" She asked nicely, though she doubted that made much of a difference. She had asked early and had gotten a "fine" in response, though she doubted that was really reflective of how he was. Now he seemed kind of... vaguely annoyed? ... or would be, if he got annoyed at her question.


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