(no subject)

Oct 10, 2007 16:04

Who: Selphie and Squall
What: Taking a walk and probably some moping :/
When: After this.
Where: Around... outside!
Rating: PG... ish? Maybe?

Selphie could already tell it was going to be a bad week. Not only were there some sort of cursed rings about Paradisa, but...

... once again, someone they knew had disappeared. First Rinoa (though really, Selphie remembered Zell being there once long ago before returning recently, and Quistis, too) and now Laguna. He had just gotten there! Or so it seemed... Selphie reasoned that he was back home with Rinoa, but it still felt weird. She'd miss him.

Squall was pretty bothered by it too, but Selphie wasn't sure if it was because he was sad or just upset with the situation. His lies were horrible, but he was still a little difficult to read. He just lost his dad. Some part of him had to feel sad.

Arriving at Squall's door, she knocked and tried to think positive. People that disappeared went home, right? Right. They had to.

selphie tilmitt, squall leonhart

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