
Aug 23, 2007 04:53

Who: Selphie, Seifer, Squall!
What: Birthday surprise: Drinking!
When: 7PM.
Where: In town.
Rating: PG-13 because Seifer and Squall have has a dirty mouth. >:D

we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow )

selphie tilmitt, seifer almasy, squall leonhart

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Comments 29

anewlingo August 23 2007, 10:14:49 UTC
While originally hesitant about the whole drinking thing (okay, only a little part of Selphie had been hesitant), she was grinning broadly as she skipped down the hall to Squall's room, Seifer trailing behind. He had actually come up with a pretty good idea. Selphie still wasn't intent on getting Squall completely drunk like Seifer was, but just enough to loosen him up. It was his birthday--he needed to enjoy it!

Selphie threw a grin over to Seifer as they reached Squall's door. This was what you called teamwork! She knocked, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

She kind of half-expected Squall to shut the door in their faces once they tried to drag him out (he probably was going to put up a fight no matter what), but between Seifer and herself she was confident they could knock down the door. It was for his own good, really.


hadtoleave August 23 2007, 10:28:37 UTC
And just as he was setting Patch down-

Squall rolled his eyes at the knock. That better not be Selphie. But then he didn't have to answer it, did he? He straightened up without even glancing in the door's direction. Instead, he deliberately went through the motions of getting ready for bed. Off went his gloves, jacket and belts; teeth were brushed and face was washed; lights turned off and sheets pulled down… All done while ignoring any persistent knocks and yelled requests.

Before he sat down to take off his boots and socks, Squall reluctantly acknowledged that she'd only keep trying. There was no way he'd be able to fall asleep with her racket. So he went over to the door, opened it to say 'go away,' and found… Seifer right along with her.

A little surprised for a moment, all Squall could do was stare. Surprise quickly turned into irritation. Backup? Or the real plan? "No," he snapped and shut the door in their faces. He also locked the door for good measure, and then folded his arms while glaring at them through ( ... )


disciplinary August 23 2007, 12:31:52 UTC

Seifer just stood there rather quietly, leaning against the wall opposite Squall's room with his arms crossed, looking on. A smirk had made itself right at home on his face (then again, wasn't that how it went so very often?) as Selphie knocked away at Squall's door. Seifer never thought that he'd be doing this - standing outside his [former] rival's door, waiting for the guy to answer so he could drag him out to a bar to drink on his birthday. Much less than that did he expect he'd be in the company of Selphie. Then again, he hadn't known her very well at all before Paradisa, so it wasn't like he could make a proper judgment. The only time he saw her was in battle, back when ( ... )


anewlingo August 23 2007, 12:44:41 UTC
"C'mon Squaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllll!!" Selphie had been simply banging on the door as he took his sweet time to answer it, but now that he had slammed it in their faces? She was whining in addition. Loudly. "You don't even know what we're doing!!!"

Though really, she couldn't blame him--anyone would worry if she and Seifer showed up at their door.

"Hey, you're the man in this situation, aren't you?" Selphie whispered up over at Seifer. She really wanted to kick the door, but that would be a little extreme... right? Seifer, at least, could maybe knock louder or something.

But no matter what, they had to get Squall out. "Squall! You owe me, don't you?" She didn't like pulling that card, but desperate times called for desperate measures. "All I want is for you to come out with us! It's not like I'm really asking you to do anything...!"


hadtoleave August 23 2007, 12:58:17 UTC
Squall glanced at his dog, but the puppy was determinedly trying to sleep. Which is what I should be doing… Still glaring at them through the door, he idly wondered if people would complain about the noise. Then he remembered where he was and suppressed a sigh. I'm only the third floor, maybe there's a way out? He snorted.

Selphie's plea pulled him-somewhere mentally kicking and screaming-out of his musing. Guilt? he thought disgustedly. Well, it wasn't going to work. Whatever they had planned couldn't be good for him, so they might as well do it on their own. Owe her? …For what? Putting up with his shit, maybe?

So much for it not working. Ostensibly telling himself it was just to get them off his back, he unlocked and opened the door in one smooth motion-timing it just right to catch them in mid-pound. Served them right. He groused, "Asking me to come out is asking me to do something," as he glared at them full-on.

He knew it wouldn't deter them, but damn it, this wasn't cool. "What," he asked flatly, "what do you


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